African Film Society is a new student organization that seeks to be inaugurated during the 2020-21 academic year. Our mission is to combat the powerful cultural imperialism that negatively distorts African representation in modern-day media. Through regular film screenings and subsequent dialogue, we seek to counteract the stereotypical, prevailing narratives about African people across the diaspora. We believe that film, as an easily accessible visual medium, is one of the most effective ways to deconstruct anachronistic paradigms in media that misrepresent Africans of American, Caribbean, Latin American, and African nationalities. Ultimately, we hope to broaden understanding of the depth and complexity of African cultures through African-told narratives in film.
We are currently looking to fill four vacant positions on our executive board: Vice-President, Treasurer, Social Media Chair, and Event Coordinator. Students of any major may apply for one of the aforementioned positions by filling out a form at
The application deadline is March 1st by 11:59pm. Information about these positions can be found on the form; however, if you have any additional questions, please contact
Thank you!