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Honors College Announcements

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  • Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Deadline Extended to Wed. 11/26

    The Goldwater Scholarship is awarded annually to outstanding sophomores and juniors interested in pursuing a career in science, math or engineering. Each scholarship covers eligible expenses for tuition, fees, books and room/board up to a maximum of $7,500 annually. Sophomores are eligible for up to two years of funding.

    Candidates must be full time sophomores or juniors at the time of application, be interested in a research career in science, math or engineering, be a U.S. citizen, natural or resident alien, and have a GPA of 3.7 or above. Students planning on medical studies alone are not eligible. Students pursuing the MD/PhD can be candidates. Due to the competitive nature of the UIC selection process, strong candidates should have at least 3 months of science/engineering research experience.

    Candidates must be nominated by UIC and may not apply directly. UIC students interested in applying should contact the Office of Special Scholarship Programs ( for more information about the application process.

    UIC Internal Deadline: Extended to November 26! Website:

  • Goldwater Scholarship for research careers in science, math, or Engineering, Deadline extended to 11/26

    The Goldwater Scholarship is awarded annually to oustanding sophomores or juniors conducting research in science, math and engineering and plan to make research an integral part of their future careers. Each scholarship covers eligible expenses for tuition, fees, books and room/board up to a maximum of $7,500 annually. Sophomores are eligible for up to two years of funding.

    The deadline has been EXTENDED TO November 26.  More details are available here:  If you are interested in applying or to learn more, please contact the Office of Special Scholarship Programs at, who will assist you in all steps of the application process.

  • 2015 Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program, Apply by 11/12

    The U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce the opening of the scholarship competition for the 2015 Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program in thirteen critical foreign languages.

    The CLS Program is a fully-funded overseas summer  language program for American undergraduate and graduate students.  Participants spend a summer overseas, engaged in intensive language studies.

    The thirteen CLS languages are: Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bangla, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Turkish, and Urdu.

    The CLS Program seeks participants with diverse interests, from a wide variety of fields of study, backgrounds and career paths, with the purpose of representing the full diversity of professional, regional, cultural and academic backgrounds in the United States. Thus, students from all academic disciplines, including business, engineering, law, medicine, science, social sciences, arts and humanities are encouraged to apply.

    To apply:

    Due: November 12, 2014 by 8:00 pm EST*

    Full eligibility and application information:

    ::: Interested? Contact Sheena Miller at ::::

    CLS Facebook page:

    Questions? Contact CLS at:

  • DAAD Intensive Language Courses in Germany

    The Intensive Language Course Grant funds applicants from North American universities, who at the time of application have attained at least sophomore standing (second-year standing in Canada), to attend 8-week intensive language courses at leading institutes in Germany.

    The scholarship of approximately €2,300 includes tuition, accommodations (arranged by the host institute) and a cash allowance for meals and incidental expenses in full or in part, depending on the choice of location and accommodations. DAAD will provide health and accident insurance as well as a travel subsidy of €300-450. Scholarship recipients are expected to devote their full attention to the course and may not concurrently undertake individual research. A written report is requested within four weeks of the end of the course.

    DAAD will consider individual placement preferences, but grantees are requested to accept DAAD's final decision as to time and place.

    For more information on this grant and how to apply, go to: 

    For support with your application, contact the Office of Special Scholarship Programs at or 312-355-2477.

  • OSSP: Arts Scholarship Information Session, Thurs. 10/30

    Information about various funded opportunities available to students in the arts

    Thursday October 30 at 2pm in 2550 University Hall

    Questions?  Can't attend and want more information?  Contact Sheena Miller at

    View the full list of Fall 2014 OSSP Info Sessions here:

  • American-Scandinavian Foundation Awards Due 11/1

    Interested in carrying out a research, study or creative arts project in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and/or Sweden? Consider applying for a American-Scandinavian Foundation fellowship (up to $23,000) or grant (up to $5,000). 

    This opportunity is open to United States citizens or permanent residents who have completed their undergraduate education by the start of their project in Scandinavia. Team projects are eligible, but each member must apply as an individual, submitting a separate, fully-documented application. Learn more at and contact OSSP if you’re interested in applying. Deadline: November 1st.

  • APIASF AANAPISI Scholarship, Due Oct. 15

    The APIASF AANAPISI Scholarship application is now open!

    Last year 19 UIC students received generous scholarships from APIASF, and you could very well join their ranks.  The application is available here:  Award amounts vary between $2500 - $5000.

    Eligibility Requirements:

    - Be of Asian and/or Pacific Islander ethnicity as defined by the U.S. Census.

    -  Be a citizen, national, or legal permanent resident of the United States. Citizens of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of Palau are also eligible to apply.

    - Have applied for federal financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Applicants do not necessarily need to be recipients of federal financial aid to be eligible for a scholarship from APIASF. Go to for more information

    Please note the following:

    Full-time enrollment and degree-seeking status is defined by the guidelines set by the institution's Registrar's Office.

    Non-degree seeking students are NOT eligible to apply.

    Students who already have a bachelor's degree are NOT eligible to apply When you apply, you can be a part-time student, however, you must be enrolled full-time upon receipt of funding.

    Solely online students are not eligible to apply. If you are enrolled in online and on ground courses, no more than 1/2 of your courses can be online.

    Please visit the APIASF AANAPISI Scholarship Program page for additional information:

    To apply:   

  • Honors College Research Grants Due Mon. 10/13

    A significant advantage of being in the Honors College is access to money to support your undergraduate research. Please see your faculty research advisor right away and start now to write your applications for several grants-in-aid, which are all due Monday, October 13, 2014. All applications must be supported by a letter from your research faculty advisor. 

    (1) Research grants: All forms of scholarship are supported for up to $1,000, including senior Capstone theses, for expenditures incurred since January 1, 2014, or those anticipated for projects planned for Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 semesters. The money will fund student research or other creative or scholarly activity (but not student stipends).

    (2) Travel grants: Proposals will be considered for expenses associated with presentation of research at conferences (e.g., flight, hotel, poster preparation costs) up to $500.

    Whether you are conducting scientific experiments, lab research, or surveys; analyzing data from field work such as participant observation or in-depth interviews; or exploring historical archives, you may apply for funding to support your research, attend professional conferences, pay for your Research Forum poster, etc.

    Details and application forms are available at: (There are two separate forms—one for research grants and the other for travel grants.) Please read the award announcements carefully, and follow instructions for submission of rationale and methods, detailed budget and budget justification, letter of support, etc. Submit your completed application to the front desk of the Honors College by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 13, 2014. No late applications will be accepted.

    Please direct questions to Tula Georgopoulos at or 312-355-3407.

  • Truman Scholarship for Careers in Public Service, Deadline 10/26

    Are you committed to public service?  Apply for the Truman and Public Service Scholarships!

    The Truman is a $30,000 scholarship for juniors who are committed to careers in public service at a leadership level. Students apply during their third year and if they win, the money is applied to graduate/professional school studies.  The Truman Foundation conceives of public service broadly. It could be activism, science research, community leadership, elected office, government employment, education, policy, urban issues -the list goes on.

    The deadline is October 26.  You can find more information at  and

    The Office of Special Scholarship Programs assists current undergraduate and professional school students with applying for awards, internships and other educational opportunities. If you are interested in this award, please contact OSSP, who will help you with the application process in all its steps: 312-355-2477, .

  • Honors College Study Abroad Scholarships for Spring 2015, Due 10/24

    The Honors College offers two scholarships to support students interested in studying abroad.  Applications are available for the Spring 2015 semester and are due on October 24, 2014!  Contact Sheena Miller at with questions.


    The Honors College offers Flaherty Scholarships for study abroad for which Honors College students may compete to help defray costs associated with participation in international study. To be eligible to apply for the Flaherty Scholarship, students must apply to a study abroad program endorsed by the UIC Campus. A cumulative UIC grade point average of 3.40 upon application for the Flaherty Scholarship is required. The application deadline for Spring 2015 is October 24th, 2014 at 5PM.

    Applications for students studying abroad in Spring 2015 are available here.


    The UIC Honors College offers Dean's Scholarships for Study Abroad are available in awards ranging from $1,000 to $2,500 for students with demonstrated financial need. To be eligible to apply for the Dean's Scholarship for Study Abroad, students must apply to a study abroad program endorsed by the UIC Campus. A cumulative UIC grade point average of 3.40 upon application for the scholarship is also required. The application deadline for Spring 2015 is October 24th, 2014 at 5PM.

    Applications for students studying abroad in Spring 2015 are available here.


  • Goldwater / NSF Scholarship Info Session for students doing research in STEM Fields, Tues. 10/7

    Goldwater / NSF Scholarship Info Session 

    Information about various funded opportunities available to students interested in pursuing research in the STEM fields 

    Tuesday, October 7 at 3:30 pm
    2550 University Hall

    Questions?  Can't attend and want more information?  Contact Sheena Miller at

    View the full list of Fall 2014 OSSP Info Sessions here:

  • Latino/a Students and Scholarships Info Session, Wed. 10/8

    The Office of Special Scholarship Programs is hosting an info session:

    Latino/a Students and Scholarships: information about various funded opportunities available to Latino/a students

    Wednesday 10/8 at 11am in 2550 UH

    Questions?  Can't attend and want more information?  Contact Sheena Miller at

    View the full list of Fall 2014 OSSP Info Sessions here:

  • Lincoln Academy Student Laureate Award for outstanding senior, Apply by 10/2

    Each year, every four-year degree-granting higher education institution in Illinois chooses ONE senior to receive the prestigious Lincoln Academy Student Laureate Award. Laureates are honored for their overall excellence in both curricular and co-curricular activities. Graduating seniors who have demonstrated leadership on campus are invited to self-nominate and apply for the award. To apply students will write a 500 word essay about their experiences at UIC and ask a professor, mentor, advisor, supervisor, colleague or other individual who can attest to the student's excellence to submit a nomination letter.

    The UIC Lincoln Student Laureate will be invited and required to attend a ceremony on November 1, 2014 in the House of Representatives of the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois. Each of the Student Laureates will receive a Lincoln Academy Medallion and a financial award.

    The application and information about submitting the nomination letter are available here:

    To be considered applicants must apply by Thursday, 2 October 2014.

    Questions?  Contact Sheena Miller at

  • Upcoming Scholarship Info Sessions: Study Abroad and Critical Language, and Truman / Public Service

    The Office of Special Scholarship Programs has a variety of scholarship information sessions coming up in the next couple weeks:

    Truman and Public Service SSP Information Session
    Information about various funded opportunities available to students committed to public service
    Thursday, 10/2 at 2pm, 2650 University Hall

    Critical Language and Study Abroad Scholarship Information Session
    Information about funded opportunities for critical language study and exchange
    Thursday, 10/2 at 3pm, 2550 University Hall

    Questions?  Can't attend and want more information?  Contact Sheena Miller at

    View the full list of Fall 2014 OSSP Info Sessions here:

  • CEO Scholarship for Women in Engineering, Due Mon. 9/22

    The Honors College is proud to offer a scholarship opportunity specifically for Honors College women students in the College of Engineering, the CEO Scholarship for Women in Engineering.  The scholarship is awarded based on financial need and academic merit.  Consideration will be given to those students exhibiting Creativity, Enthusiasm, and Optimism as well as demonstrated ability and interest in engineering.  The winner receives $4,125 for the Fall 2014 semester with the possibility of additional funding in the Spring 2015 semester.  The application is now online and can be accessed here: Click here

    The application consists of general information about your activities and academics, a personal statement, a financial need statement and two letters of recommendation.  The deadline to apply is this Monday, September 22, 2014.  The letters of recommendation can be submitted electronically (more information is available in the application).

    Questions?  ContactTula Georgopolous at 

  • Spring 2015 LARES Tuition Award Application, Due Fri., 11/21

    The Latin American Recruitment and Educational Services (LARES) program is currently soliciting applications for the upcoming Spring 2015 LARES Tuition Award. The goal of this award is to assist LARES students reach their goal of obtaining a baccalaureate degree. Candidates are considered based on merit including academic record and leadership. Priority will be given to students who have not received previous MAP Grant money or other agencies that cover tuition costs. Recipients will receive full or partial tuition  waivers (depending on available funds). This award does not covered university fees. Recipients are required to engage in 15 hours of volunteer work with the LARES program during the term the award is granted. The application must be submitted with all supporting documents to the LARES office (1200 W. Harrison, Suite 2640) on Friday, November 21, 2014 by 5pm.

    More information and applications are available at  Questions? Contact Jennifer Juarez at


  • German-American Youth Exchange Info Session, Thurs. 9/25

    German-American Youth Exchange Info Session

    September 25 (Thursday) 3:30 to 4 PM University Hall 1501

    The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals (CBYX) is a reciprocal exchange program between the United States and Germany, designed to strengthen ties and understanding between the people of both countries. The fellowship is annually awarded to 75 American and 75 German young professionals, and is funded by the German Bundestag and the U.S. Congress through the Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). CBYX participants act as ambassadors of their home country and culture while immersing themselves in the academic, professional, and everyday life of their host culture.

    Followed by Pizza for German majors and minors and those curious about German at UIC from 4-5 PM

    Contact Professor Rott for more details: SROTT@UIC.EDU

  • Women's Leadership and Resource Center Tuition Award, Due Fri. 9/12

    We are pleased to announce that financial awards towards tuition* are being awarded for undergraduate study at UIC for the 2014-2015 academic year.  We at the Women’s Leadership and Resource Center want to recognize students that have made significant contributions to the movement against domestic violence and sexual assault throughout the UIC campus and/or Chicago community or who have triumphed over personal experiences within these areas. The goal of this award is to support women in their educational pursuits who have a great deal of financial need that is not being met by financial aid or loans. 

    We invite you to apply and to be considered for this tuition award.  A student must meet the following qualifications:

    • Must be a full time undergraduate degree seeking student who meets the requirements of UIC’s SAP policy. Please visit for the details of this policy.
    • Must not have completed their degree requirements for graduation or already have earned a Bachelor’s degree. Applicants must be continuing UIC undergraduate students who have attended UIC for at least one semester.
    • Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and must qualify for Illinois resident tuition.
    • Must complete the 2014-2015 FAFSA and have financial need as determined by the FAFSA.
    • Applicants should have demonstrated both leadership and involvement in the movement against domestic violence and sexual assault throughout the UIC campus and/or Chicago community or have had personal experiences within these areas.

    If you are interested in applying, please fill out the attached application form and return it by mail, in person or by email to the UIC Women’s Leadership and Resource Center (M/C 363), Room 285, Roosevelt Road Building, Parking Lot Entrance, 728 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago, IL 60607 or wlrc@uic.eduThe application deadline is Friday, September 12, 2014. 

    You will be notified about the status of your application by September 26, 2014 the latest.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 312-413-1025. 

    * This award can only be applied towards tuition costs, excluding fees. For out-of-state students, the maximum tuition award will only cover the amount equivalent to in-state tuition.  The student will be responsible for the remaining balance.

  • Women and Scholarships Info Session, Tues. 9/9 at 3pm, 650 UH

    Cosponsored by the Women's Leadership and Resource Center and the Office of Special Scholarship Programs

    Tues, 9/9 at 3PM, 650 UH

    Questions?  Contact

  • Fulbright Fellowship for Teaching English or Research Abroad, Due Fri. 9/12

    Immediately after World War II in 1946, Congress created the Fulbright Program, to foster mutual understanding among nations through educational and cultural exchange. Students participate in English teaching or a self-designed program of study that can include research, university coursework, art projects, language study and more. The grants are available to over 150 countries, and generally provide round-trip transportation, language or orientation courses, maintenance for the academic year, and supplemental health and accident insurance. Applicants must be U.S. citizens who hold a BA or BS by the beginning of the grant period.

    The UIC deadline is September 12.  The national deadline is October 15.  There is still time to prepare an application!  If you're interested, read more here and then contact Beth Powers at 

  • OSSP: Upcoming Info Sessions for study, research, and teaching abroad, 9/2 - 9/5

    OSSP will host three information sessions next week for scholarships to support study, research, and teaching abroad.

    Gilman Scholarship Info Session
    Study abroad scholarship information for Pell-Grant recipients
    Tues, 9/2 at 11AM in 2650 UH

    Fulbright Workshop Session
    Information about funded opportunities to pursue research or teach English abroad. A Fulbright representative will offer insight and answer questions.
    Weds, 9/3 at 3PM in 1501 UH

    Boren Information Session
    Information about awards for current undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a study abroad program outside of Western Europe, Australia or New Zealand who are studying a language and a topic critical to national security. A Boren Representative will offer insight and answer questions.
    Fri, 9/5 at 10 – 11:30 PM in 650 UH

    For a full list of Fall 2014 OSSP Information Sessions, see

     Questions?  Contact or (312) 355-2477.


  • OSSP: General Scholarship Information Session, Thurs. 8/28

    Come get information about searching and applying for awards!

    Hosted by the Office of Special Scholarship Programs

    Thursday, 8/28 at 2:00 pm
    2550 University Hall

    Questions?  Can't attend but want more information?  Contact Sheena Miller at

    View the full schedule of Fall 2014 OSSP Info Sessions here: 

  • The Clubs of America Scholarship Award for Career Success, Due 8/31

    Award of $1500 for any student with a 3.0+ GPA. Applicants are asked to write an 800 word essay about their professional ambitions. No citizenship requirement stated. - Deadline: August 31, website:

  • Fall 2014 Honors College Tuition Waiver Application Deadline Extended to Wed. 8/13

    The Honors College has a limited number of tuition waivers available for continuing UIC Honors College students to use during Fall 2014!

    The waivers will be awarded based on a combination of academic merit and financial need to full-time students with a minimum UIC cumulative GPA of 3.5.  Applicants must have earned at least 12 credit hours at UIC to be eligible to apply.

    For more information and to access the online application, click here.

    The application deadline has been extended to Wednesday, Aug. 13th. Questions should be directed to Tula Georgopoulos at

  • La Jolla LASIK National Scholarship, Due 8/17

    The American Women's Business Association (ABWA) aims to help women grow, prosper and become leaders in business. This $2000 national essay contest asks about "Your vision for improving the community you live in." Open to current, female students who have US citizenship and a 3.0+ GPA. Deadline: Aug 17,  

    Would you like assistance in preparing a strong scholarship application?  The Office of Special Scholarship Programs assists current undergraduate and professional school students with applying for awards, internships and other educational opportunities. If you would like assistance, please contact OSSP, who will help you with the application process in all its steps. 312-355-2477, .

  • Thermo Fisher Scientific Scholarships for Life Science Undergrad or Grads, Due Aug. 1

    Thermo Fisher is offering two (2) $10,000 scholarships and four (4) $5,000 scholarships, to be awarded to undergraduate and graduate students with a declared major of biology, chemistry, biochemistry, or a related life-science field. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) and be enrolled in an accredited college or university for the Fall 2014 semester. Open to U.S. residents and students who have visas to study in the US. Deadline: August 1, website:

  • Mark A. Forester Scholarship, Due 7/31

    The Mark A. Forester Scholarship is an award of $1000 for a  currently enrolled student. To enter, the student must write a 300-500-word essay explaining how they go about honoring America's military heroes.  No citizenship requirement.
    Deadline: July 31

    Would you like assistance in preparing a strong scholarship application?  The Office of Special Scholarship Programs assists current undergraduate and professional school students with applying for awards, internships and other educational opportunities. If you would like assistance, please contact OSSP, who will help you with the application process in all its steps. 312-355-2477, .

  • Clubs of America Scholarship Award for Career Success, Due 8/31

    The Clubs of America Scholarship Award for Career Success is an award of $1500 for any student with a 3.0+ GPA. Applicants are asked to write an 800 word essay about their professional ambitions. No citizenship requirement stated.

    Deadline: August 31

    Learn more at 

    Would you like assistance in preparing a strong scholarship application?  The Office of Special Scholarship Programs assists current undergraduate and professional school students with applying for awards, internships and other educational opportunities. If you would like assistance, please contact OSSP, who will help you with the application process in all its steps. 312-355-2477, .

  • Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing Scholarship, Due 8/31

    The Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing Scholarship awards five (5) $1,000 scholarships to non-traditional nursing students (defined as a student who did not immediately continue their education after high school).  Students must be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate nursing program. 

    Deadline: August 31

    For more information, visit: 

    The Office of Special Scholarship Programs assists current undergraduate and professional school students with applying for awards, internships and other educational opportunities. If you find something on the listserv or through the website you wish to apply for, please contact OSSP, who will help you with the application process in all its steps. 312-355-2477, .


  • Berger-Marks Foundation Edna Award for Women in Social Justice, Due 8/28

    The Edna Award will be given to a woman who has made an extraordinary contribution to social justice and to improving the lives of working women and men. The winner will receive a $10,000 cash award.

    Deadline: August 28


  • Adelante! Chicago Scholarship Deadline, Extended to June 30

    Adelante has extended their scholarship deadline to 30 June 2014 for students in Chicago. Details can be found here: 

    The scholarships available include:

    MillerCoors Chicago Scholarship Amount: $ 3,000. Open to any student pursuing any major at their university. Students must be a junior or senior with a 3.0 GPA attending full time.

    MillerCoors National Scholarship  Amount: $ 3,000 /Renewable Open to any junior or senior with a 3.0 GPA attending full time. Students must be pursuing a business or communications degree.

    A&F Future Leaders Scholarship  Amount: $1,000 Open to any sophomore, junior, or senior with a 3.0 GPA attending full time. Students must be pursuing a business degree.

    MillerCoors Engineering and Science scholarship  Amount: $ 3,000 /Renewable Open to junior or senior students pursuing majors in Engineering, Biochemistry, or Computer Science. Students must have a 3.0 GPA and attending full time.

  • Fulbright Student Awards

    Interested in teaching English or conducting research overseas for a year after you graduate?  A strong Fulbright application requires a great deal of thinking, planning and writing. Summer is the perfect time to begin to prepare for the September deadline! 

    What is the Fulbright?

    • Immediately after World War II, Congress created the Fulbright Program to foster mutual understanding among nations through educational and cultural exchange.
    • The U.S. Student Program awards approximately 1,800 grants annually and sends students to over 155 countries worldwide.
    • Students participate in a self-designed program of study that can include research, university coursework, language study and more. Alternatively, students can also choose to assist in teaching English in one of over 70 countries, at various levels.
    • Candidates must have US citizenship at time of application and a bachelor's degree before starting their service period. Bachelor’s holders are eligible to apply at any point in life after graduation. 

    Fulbright Full Grant vs. Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA)

    • Full Grant: requires a proposal of study or research that would take 10-12 months to perform. Some countries require knowledge of the language, others are flexible. Programs of study can include classes, research projects, library work, observations, training in the creative arts, surveys, lab work - in short, anything that would help a student study or learn more about the proposed topic.
    • ETA: offers students the chance to apply to teach English.  In some countries ETAs teach in a high school, in others elementary and in others at the college level. Language requirements vary from country to country, and many countries have no requirement. ETAs are generally students who have some teaching experience and believe that the ETA experience will help to prepare them for what they are doing in the future.

    What are the benefits?

    • These grants generally provide round-trip transportation, language or orientation courses, maintenance for the academic year (based on living costs in the host country), and supplemental health and accident insurance.
    • The Fulbright name is well respected in the U.S. and beyond. Past scholars have considered it an experience of a lifetime. They learn about new cultures or deepen their knowledge of one they already were acquainted with. They make new friends and engage in an in-depth teaching or learning experience that gives them depth of knowledge and skills in their chosen field, and helps set the stage for greater independence in their next career move. They develop a more sophisticated understanding of their host country, the U.S. and themselves.

    Where can I find more information?

    Interested?  Contact:

    Beth Powers, [, oversees Fulbright Full Grant applications]

    Sheena Miller, [, oversees Fulbright ETA applications]

  • DAAD German Studies Research Grant, Applications on a Rolling Basis

    This specialized DAAD program once again offers German Studies Research Grants to highly-qualified undergraduate, graduate and PhD students at American and Canadian universities who are nominated by their department/program chairs. The grant may be used for short-term research (i.e., 1-2 months) in Germany.

    The program is designed to encourage research and promote the study of cultural, political, historical, economic and social aspects of modern and contemporary German affairs from an interdisciplinary perspective.

    Additional grants will be made available for research projects in Germany on the social, communal, and intellectual history of German-speaking Jewry and stipends awarded in conjunction with the Leo Baeck Institute in New York.

    Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until further notice.   

    If you are interested in applying, contact Dr. Loentz in the Germanic Studies Department at

  • Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarships, Due 6/30

    The Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarships are range of scholarships for incoming freshmen and upper-level undergraduate students, all of which are based on financial need with a usual minimum GPA requirement of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.  They are intended for students with genuine interest in a career in the automotive industry.  Deadline: June 30.  Learn more at the website: 

  • Women in Defense HORIZONS Scholarship, Due 7/15

    The Women in Defense HORIZONS Scholarship is for female undergraduate and graduate students in a variety of fields, ultimately interested in a career related to defense and national security.  Applicants must be currently enrolled at an accredited university or college, either full-time or part- time.  Undergraduates must have attained at least junior level status (60 credits); minimum 3.25 gpa; must demonstrate financial need; must be a female US citizen.

    Deadline: July 15 Learn more at: 

  • Console & Hollawell $1,000 Legal Leaders Scholarship, Due 7/15

    The Console & Hollawell $1,000 Legal Leaders Scholarship is available to students who are pursuing a career in law.  The scholarship is open to high school seniors, college students, and law students.  Applicants must be pursuing a degree in the following areas: pre-law, paralegal studies, or working towards their juris doctorate in any concentration of the law.  Applicant must be a U.S. citizen; must be a full-time student attending (or planning to attend on a full-time basis) an accredited institution of higher education; minimum 3.0 gpa; award is to be used exclusively for school tuition and related expenses.

    Deadline: July 15. Learn more at: 

  • Tylenol Future Care Scholarship Program, Due 6/15

    40 scholarships available to future healthcare professionals in the amounts of either $5,000 (30 awards) or $10,000 (10 awards).  Applicants must have completed at least one year of undergraduate or graduate course study by the Spring of 2014 at an accredited two or four year college, university or vocational-technical school in the US.  Must be pursuing a healthcare related degree.  Selection is based on leadership qualities, academic excellence and community involvement.

    Deadline: June 15.  For more information, see the website: 

  • Rotary Peace Fellowship, Due 7/1

    This fellowship provides academic and practical training to prepare fellows for leadership roles in solving conflicts around the world.  Up to 100 fellows are selected every year based on personal, academic, and professional achievement.  Fellows earn a master's-level degree or a professional development certificate in peace and conflict studies at one of six Rotary Peace Centers at leading universities in Australia, England, Sweden, Japan, the United States and Thailand.  

    Both programs require, at minimum, a bachelor's degree in a related field; three years of relevant work experience and proficiency in a second language for the master's program and five years of relevant work experience and proficiency in English for the professional development certificate

    Application Deadline: July 1.  View more information on the website: 

  • James "Rhio" O'Connor Memorial Scholarship Fund, Apply Now

    The James "Rhio" O'Connor Memorial Scholarship Fund  has over $10,000 in cash awards available to college students.  Students must submit an essay focused on a specific topic.  Applicants must be currently enrolled in a US based college or university. Deadline: still accepting applications.  Website:  

  • Glamour's 2015 Top 10 College Women Competition, Due 9/15

    Glamour's 2015 Top 10 College Women Competition honors the country's ten most incredible undergrads with scholarship money, a special trip to NYC, and coverage in the magazine.  Alumnae society includes power ladies ranging from Martha Stewart to Olympic swimmer Allison Schmitt.

    Nine awards of $3,000 and one grand-prize of $20,000 are given.  Open to students who will be full-time juniors in fall 2014 at a four-year college in the U.S. or Canada.

    Deadline: September 15.  Website: 

  • Honors Summer Housing Scholarship Due Mon. 5/5

    We are pleased to announce that the Honors College is able to offer a limited number of Honors Summer Housing Scholarships on a competitive basis. These housing scholarships will cover the cost of a double room in either TBH or MRH (apartment-style housing on the South Campus) for the period of the eight-week summer session (June 16-August 8, 2014). There are no regular dining services during the summer, so the housing scholarship recipients will need to provide for their own meals. In order to qualify, applicants must be engaged in either a UIC summer course(s) or faculty-supervised research on our campus. 

    To apply, please write a personal statement of up to 1 page (double spaced) in which you explain what you will be doing during the period of the 8-week summer session and its relevance for your academic or pre-professional goals. Please also attach supporting documentation. (For example, if you are taking a class, attach a copy of your enrollment verification. If you are doing faculty supervised research, attach the email or other agreement that verifies the arrangement (this could be an email already exchanged, or a short email for this specific purpose).) Feel free to include in your statement any additional personal or financial information that might be relevant to the Honors College when selecting those most deserving of a summer housing scholarship. 

    Hurry: applications are due immediately! Email the application to Associate Dean Sara Hall at by 8 am on Monday, May 5th. Use the subject line: SUMMER HOUSING SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION. 

    This scholarship only covers housing and does NOT cover the cost of food, or tuition for enrollment in a course, or transportation to research sites, or research supplies, etc. 

    Students receiving this scholarship will be expected to give back to the community of the Honors College and UIC Summer College by helping welcome students and prepare welcoming materials on select dates in July and early August, barring conflicts with class and research schedules.

  • OSSP: Graduate Fellowships Info Session (For Juniors), Wed. 4/23

    Thinking about going to graduate school?  Seeking funding or prestigious fellowships to support you?  This OSSP Info Session is targeted for Juniors to start thinking about Graduate Fellowships.

    Wednesday, April 23
    12:00 - 1:00 pm
    2550 University Hall

    No RSVP required to attend.  Questions?  Can't attend but want more information?  Contact Sheena Miller at

  • UIC Campus Deadline for British Scholarships for graduate study in the UK, Fri. 4/25

    British Scholarships: The Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell and Gates Cambridge Scholarships offer students the opportunity to study in the UK for 1-2 years. These highly competitive awards seek students with a 3.7 gpa or higher with a record of research, service and leadership. UIC selects candidates in the spring to help prepare them for fall deadlines. UIC deadline: April 25, 2014

    Gates Cambridge Scholarship: funds graduate study at Cambridge:

    Marshall Scholarship: funds 2 year graduate study at any British university:

    Mitchell Scholarship: funds a year of graduate study at any Irish university:

    Rhodes Scholarship: funds 2 year graduate study at the U. of Oxford:

    Want more information on nationally-competitive awards? Contact OSSP at 312-355-2477 to schedule an appointment with Beth Powers  to discuss your opportunities!

  • Fulbright Week: Info Sessions, Alumni Panel, and Public Health Info this Week

    Fulbright week at UIC is happening! Please take note of these information sessions and follow up with OSSP if you would like to talk about Fulbright options:

    Tuesday 4/15: College of Medicine Fulbright and Other Scholarships Info Session
    Information about opportunities for students of medicine
    3 - 4pm, CMW 106

    Wednesday 4/16: Fulbright Panel
    UIC Alumni discuss their experiences applying for and participating in Fulbright
    4-5pm, 2550 UH

    Thursday, 4/17: Fulbright School of Public Health Presentation
    Information about funded opportunities to pursue research in public health overseas
    12 - 1pm, SPH 192

    More information:

    UIC deadline: Sept. 12, national deadline: Oct.17

    Students who plan projects early and work on them over the summer will find the application process MUCHeasier.

    What is the Fulbright grant?

    The Fulbright Scholarship sends students abroad to do a program of study or research in one of around 140 countries OR to teach English for a year in one of over 50 countries. You must have your bachelor's degree before you leave, but you can apply at any point in your life once you have that first degree. For a Fulbright Full Grant you put together a proposal of study or research that would take 10-12 months to perform. Some countries require you to know the language well, others are flexible on language requirements. Programs of study can include classes, research projects, library work, observations, training in the creative arts, surveys, lab work - in short, anything that would help you study or learn more about your proposed topic.

    Tell me more about the teaching grants...

    Fulbright also offers students the chance to apply to teach English.  In some countries you would teach in a high school, in others elementary and in others at the college level. Language requirements vary from country to country. Many countries have no language requirement. The English Teaching Assistants (ETA) are generally students who have some teaching experience, and believe that the ETA experience will help to prepare them for what they are doing in the future.

    Why should I consider it?
    The Fulbright name is well respected in the U.S. and beyond. Past scholars have considered it an experience of a lifetime. They learn about new cultures or deepen their knowledge of one they already were acquainted with. They make new friends and engage in an in-depth teaching or learning experience that gives them depth of knowledge and skills in their chosen field, and helps set the stage for greater independence in their next career move. They develop a more sophisticated understanding of their host country, the U.S. and themselves.


    OSSP staff welcome questions from students and advisors about the Fulbright. Please direct questions about the full grant to Beth Powers at; questions about the teaching assistantships to Sheena Miller,; and questions about graduate students applying to Marie Khan at 

  • Maurice Prize Competition Deadline Wed. 4/16

    The Maurice Prize Competition is an annual competition for a prize of $5,000, for which all undergraduates at UIC are eligible to compete, using their own creativity and innovation in solving a problem of importance to them, therefore deepening their breadth of knowledge about themselves and their abilities.  Deadline: April 16, 2014.  Learn more at:

  • Donald and Leah Riddle Prize for Outstanding Seniors, Apply by Fri. 3/28

    The Donald and Leah Riddle Prize is awarded each year at Commencement to an outstanding graduating senior regardless of major field. Graduates from Summer 2013, Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 are eligible to apply. The award is based on academic excellence and leadership. The winner receives a bronze medallion and a $1,000 cash prize. The Riddle Prize is made each year in recognition of the former UIC Chancellor Donald Riddle and his wife Leah and honors the Riddles' contribution to the campus.

    Application Deadline: March 28, 2014.  Apply at: 

    Questions: Contact Tula Georgopoulos at

  • Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Scholarships, Due Mon. 3/31

    The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs (OVCSA) is accepting applications for seven competitive scholarship awards available to students across all colleges and academic disciplines:

    •             Supporting Excellence Endowment (S.E.E.) Scholarship

    •             Dr. Thomas Beckham Memorial Scholarship

    •             TCF Bank Scholarship

    •             Gordon J. Flesch Memorial Scholarship

    •             University of Illinois Alumni Association Pier Scholar Award

    •             Rundgren Foundation Scholarship

    •             Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship

    Each scholarship provides between $1,000 and $5,000 to the recipients for the 2014-2015 year.  Information about each scholarship and the online application are available on the OVCSA website at . 

    The application deadline is Monday, March 31, 2014.  If you have any questions about the scholarships or the application process, please contact Kara Holloway in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at (312) 996-7140 or

  • Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowship Deadline Extended to Mon. 3/24

    The Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowship

    Deadline: EXTENDED to Monday, March 24

    Eligibility: Phi Kappa Phi member; graduating senior planning on graduate or professional school

    Award description: The UIC Phi Kappa Phi  chapter can nominate one graduating senior each year for the $5000 Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowship. Candidates must apply to the UIC chapter to be nominated.

    Strong candidates should demonstrate the following:

    1.        A strong undergraduate academic record
    2.        Service and leadership activities
    3.        Solid preparation for admission to a graduate program that suits their goals
    4.        An effective personal statement
    5.        Strong letters of reference

    How to apply: Students must be nominated by UIC’s Phi Kappa Phi Chapter to apply. Applications are available on the website: 

    Application questions can be directed to Beth Powers at or (312) 355-3380; Phi Kappa Phi membership questions can be directed to Sarah Gardiner at  Past successful applications can be viewed in 2502 UH between 9am and 5pm starting Monday, March 17. 

  • Honors College Study Abroad Scholarship, Due Fri. 3/21

    The UIC Honors College offers two scholarships for students to help defray costs associated with participation in international study. Students may submit one application to be considered for both awards; however, students may only be awarded one Honors College Study Abroad Scholarship. 

    FLAHERTY SCHOLARSHIP: Flaherty Scholarships for study abroad are made possible by a gift from the estate of Gloria Flaherty, former professor of German at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Flaherty Scholarships are available in awards ranging from $500 to $1,500 to students applying for summer, semester, or full academic year international study programs. Scholarships awarded in Spring 2014 can be used for Summer or Fall 2014 semester programs. Please note that students may only receive the Flaherty Scholarships for one study abroad experience.

    DEAN'S SCHOLARSHIP FOR STUDY ABROAD: The UIC Honors College offers Dean's Scholarships for Study Abroad to promote international educational experiences to a broad range of students. Students from diverse backgrounds and/or with demonstrated financial need are encouraged to apply. Dean's Scholarships for Study Abroad are available in awards ranging from $1,000 to $2,500 to students applying for summer, semester or full academic year international study programs. Scholarships awarded in Spring 2014 can be used for Summer or Fall 2014 semester programs.

    To be eligible to apply for both the Flaherty Scholarship and the Dean's Scholarship for Study Abroad, students must meet the following criteria:

    • Apply to a study abroad program endorsed by the UIC campus
    • Have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.40
    • Be in good standing in the Honors College
    • Have demonstrated financial need (Dean's Scholarship ONLY)

    **Application Deadline:  5:00 PM on Friday, March 21, 2014**  Apply online at . 

    For more information, contact Sheena Miller, Study Abroad Scholarship Specialist, at or 312-413-4954

  • OSSP Workshops: British Scholarships 3/18 and PUSH Excel 3/19

    Come to one of OSSP's upcoming Info Sessions to learn more about particular nationally-competitive scholarships!

    1) British Scholarship Info Session: Information about various funded opportunities to study in the UK.
    Tues, 3/18. 12-1PM, in UH 2550.

    British Scholarships: The Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell and Gates Cambridge Scholarships offer students the opportunity to study in the UK for 1-2 years. These highly competitive awards seek students with a 3.7 gpa or higher with a record of research, service and leadership. UIC selects candidates in the spring to help prepare them for fall deadlines. UIC deadline: April 15, 2014

    2) PUSH- Excel Scholarships: Information about scholarships targeted to active students who lack financial resources. Weds, 3/19. 3:30-5PM in AAAN LRC. 

    No RSVP needed for either Info Session.  Questions?  Contact