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Honors College Announcements
Undergraduate Research

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  • Research Assistant Position with Women’s Mental Health Research

    Stress, Cognition, and HIV: Women’s Mental Health Research Program

    We are looking for an undergraduate student to assist in our lab.  This position is either voluntary or for class credit.  Our lab is asking for a minimum two-year commitment. In return for this commitment, you are allowed to participate in your own research project. This project will be overseen by Dr. Leah Rubin.

    Our Mission:

    To improve the lives of women through clinical research studies aimed at understanding the sex-specific factors that contribute to women’s cognitive function and mental health. To provide objective research findings to inform health practitioners, researchers, policy makers, and the public about factors that influence women’s cognitive function and mental health. To foster undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty in research careers aimed at a better understanding of women’s cognitive function and mental health.

    Research opportunities in our lab involve at least a two year commitment to the lab where a student would primarily be involved in working on a study looking at the effects of stress, stress hormones, and cognition in HIV+ men and women. 

    Students who have been involved with our lab in the past have cited it as a highlight of their undergraduate career.  The most successful students have had interests not only in psychology, but biology, physiology and medicine as well.

    Some of the skills students can expect to obtain are:

    1.       Working with vulnerable populations and community outreach
    2.       Insight into experimental design and operation from planning through the completion of a study.
    3.       Data collection and analysis
    4.       Opportunity to present original and previously collected data

    If you are interested please send a copy of your résumé: Alana Aziz-Bradley ( with the Subject Heading: “SCORE RA Candidate Your Name”.  If you have any questions regarding the lab, please feel free to contact me via email.

    Click on this post to download the application for this position.

  • Volunteers Needed: Student Research Forum, Tues. 4/8 – RSVP ASAP!

    The 2014 UIC Student Research Forum will be held on Tuesday, April 8th at the UIC Forum  The team is looking for volunteers throughout the day to keep the event running smoothly.  A tentative volunteer schedule for the day of the event is available below for your review.  If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email with your name and time preference(s) to Associate Dean Sara Hall ( by 3pm, Tuesday, April 1st .  You may also contact Dean Hall via email if you have any questions or need additional information.


    Time & Location: 8:30 - 10:30, Main Hall ABC

    Task: Set-up in Main Hall

    Description: Assist with set-up of poster boards, place pushpins on each board, place poster numbers on each board. Place certificates on each board.

    Needed:  3 VOLUNTEERS


    Time & Location: 10:00 - 1:30 Lobby

    Task: Set-up of Student Registration Table/Registration

    Description:  STUDENT CHECK IN: Arrange student nametags and abstract books.  Help check-in students

    Needed: 4 VOLUNTEERS


    Time & Location: 10:00 - 2:00 Lobby

    Task: Set-up of Faculty Registration Table/Registration

    Description: FACULTY JUDGES, Arrange nametags, parking validation.  Check faculty judges in as they arrive.

    Needed: 4 VOLUNTEERS


    Time & Location: 10:00 - 2:00 Lobby

    Task: Set-up of Alumni Registration Table/Registration

    Description: ALUMNI JUDGES Arrange nametags, abstract books, parking validation.  Check alumni judges in as they arrive.

    Needed: 4 VOLUNTEERS


    Time & Location: 11:30 - 1:00 Main Hall ABC

    Task: Directing students in Main Hall

    Description: Assist students in finding their poster boards/hanging posters

    Needed: 2-3 VOLUNTEERS


    Time & Location: 11:30 - 1:00 Lobby

    Task: Directing students/judges in lobby

    Description: Direct students to student registration.  Direct faculty/alumni to judges registration. Direct judges who have already registered to the judges lunch which will be held in DEF and GHI (first and second floor)

    Needed: 2 VOLUNTEERS


    Time & Location: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (or later) Lobby

    Task: Coat Check, Set-up of computers and PPT presentation

    Description: Set up power point to display during judging



    Time & Location: 2:00 - 3:30 Main Hall ABC

    Task: Gathering of score sheets from judges in Main Hall

    Description: Approach anybody with a judge nametag and ask for completed score sheets.  Return score sheets to Connie Ping in Lobby at check-in table.



    Time & Location: 3:00 - 4:30 Lobby

    Task: Tallying of Scores

    Description: Tallying of scores

    Needed: 4 VOLUNTEERS

  • Summer Undergraduate Research - Rockies Pika Project, Due 4/25

    Position:  Undergraduate researcher - Rockies Pika Project

    Dates:  Early June – Mid August 2014

    Compensation:  $4,300.00 stipend plus free food and lodging

    Location:  Niwot Ridge Long-Term Ecological Research Site and CU Mountain Research Station

    Application deadline:  April 25, 2014

    Description:  Study effects of climate on the behavior, physiology and survival of the American pika, high in the Rockies at the Niwot Ridge Long-Term Ecological Research Site. This position involves extensive field work, some self-directed, while living at the University of Colorado’s Mountain Research Station (MRS) located 40 minutes west of Boulder, CO. Food and lodging at the MRS are provided free of charge, in addition to a stipend of $4300 for the 10-week program.

    Click on the post for more information.

  • Research Assistant Position for Graduating Seniors with Advocates for Human Potential

    Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP),, is seeking a Research Assistant in the newly-opened Chicago office to assist the research team in the collection and management of data on multiple research projects related to integrated health care, homelessness, mental health and substance abuse disorders, and criminal justice populations. The main responsibilities of the position include: participating in data collection activities, including conducting stakeholder interviews and focus groups; basic data analyses; conducting research literature reviews; assisting with development and dissemination of products and trainings based on research results; coordinating project activities, as well as general administrative support. Requirements for the position include: some prior research experience/ knowledge; the ability to work independently; experience balancing multiple tasks; strong organizational and writing skills; attention to detail; some schedule flexibility; and the ability to establish rapport with a variety of individuals, including vulnerable populations and other key stakeholder groups (e.g., program administrators and service providers).  Click on the post to learn more.

  • Health Careers Opportunity Summer Program at Marquette, Deadline 4/1

    The Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP) at Marquette University is a federally funded program that provides opportunities for disadvantaged students who are interested in health professions. This summer the psychology department at Marquette will be launching a 6-week summer program that will help prepare traditionally underrepresented or disadvantaged students for graduate school in psychology. Participants will learn about different areas of psychology, get hands on research experience, and work closely with faculty and graduate student mentors. All living expenses and program materials are covered by HCOP, in addition to a weekly stipend provided to students. Interested students should visit: 

    Please note that although the initial deadline of March 1st  has passed, applications will be accepted and considered through April 1st.

    Below is a brochure with more information about the program. 

  • Student Research Forum - Register by 3/24

    As a reminder, the deadline for registering for the 2014 Student Research Forum is 9:00 a.m. on Monday, March 24.  Registrations are taken on a first come, first served basis until all slots are filled.  Please note that this may mean we will run out of space prior to the March 24 deadline so we encourage you to submit as soon as possible.  Only 250 spots remain.
    To participate in the event, you will need to submit a one-page abstract.  Further details on the event and specific instructions for participation are provided on the SRF website.
    Event logistics are as follows:
    UIC Student Research Forum
    Tuesday, April 8, 2014
    1:00 pm to 3:30 pm (Judging and Presentations)
    3:30 pm - 5:00 pm (Reception and Prizes)
    UIC Forum
    725 W. Roosevelt Rd.
    Sponsored by:  The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs, the Alumni Association, the Student Activities Funding Association, the Office of Sustainability and the Center for Research on Women and Gender.
  • UIC College of Medicine Urban Health Program - Summer Research Fellowship, Due Mon. 3/10

    College of Medicine Urban Health Program / Center for Clinical and Translational Science Summer Research Fellowship 

    The COM UHP / CCTS Summer Research Fellowship is an 8-week program supporting highly motivated health science graduate and professional students, undergraduates, and high school scholars interested in pursuing research careers aimed at improving health – ranging from the study of animal models of disease, to the development of treatment interventions, to the analysis of policy implications related to prevention and treatment.  The primary aim of this program is to train and prepare young scientists to become future leaders in addressing health equity issues through the broad realm of clinical and translational research and community engaged research.

    The program includes:

    •    8-week summer research experience under the mentorship of a UIC researcher/team
    •    3 ½ days of intensive training and certification in clinical and translational research
    •    Weekly “lunch and learn” journal club
    •    End of program poster and oral presentation on the student’s project
    •    Ongoing participation in research education opportunities on campus and online 
    •    Optional longitudinal mentorship and professional development

    Click on the post to learn more.

  • LAS Paid Undergraduate Research Opportunities (LASURI), Apply by Mon. 3/3

    Conduct research and earn financial support through the LASURI program!

    Are you interested in working on a real research project with a professor?  Would you like to receive financial support to do so?  Then you should apply for the Liberal Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Initiative (LASURI).

    Applications will be accepted through March 3, 2014, so it’s time for you to start reaching out to your professors to learn more about how you might participate in a research project.  

    You can find a faculty mentor by going to the Undergraduate Research Experience website ( ) or talking to your instructors, TAs and departmental advisors or Directors of Undergraduate Studies.

    To be eligible, you must be a full-time LAS student who will have earned at least 24 credit hours by the time you begin the research project next fall; hold a minimum 2.5 GPA and be registered for course credit during the semester(s) in which the research takes place.

    Your faculty mentor for the project must be affiliated with a department in the college and may have tenure-track, clinical, emeritus or research associate appointments. 

    Undergraduate Research Assistants can expect to spend 6-10 hours per week working on their research project.  Undergraduate Research Assistants receive a $2500 award per academic year ($1250.00 per semester), and their Faculty Mentors receive a $1500 grant for project costs.

    Students must interview with faculty and submit the completed application online by Monday, March 3, 2014.

    To learn more about LASURI, visit , or send an email to

  • Research Opportunity with the Institute on Health Research and Policy, Apply by Thurs. 2/27

    The Institute on Health Research and Policy is looking for student volunteers to assist with data entry in a community-based health promotion project. Students will receive hands-on research training. By the end of this experience, the student will be able to recognize critical issues related to conducting surveys with older adults and collecting meaningful, valid and reliable data.

    If interested, please email the following to Jessica Madrigal ( by Thursday, February 27th.

    1. a brief description of academic background (coursework, skills, motivation, relevant to the research interviews/data collection phase of a research project)
    2. general availability/schedule for spring semester
    3. resume

    Selected students will be invited to discuss this opportunity further with the research team.

  • Office of Social Science Research Position Available

    The Office of Social Science Research is seeking a student to work on a research project that explores the benefits students receive when they participate in independent and faculty led research projects. This collection of information is the first step in a larger research project to better understand the relationship of student participation in research to retention.  

    Participating in this project will help the student develop research skills in preparation for their Capstone projects. The research skills the student is expected to learn include utilizing scholarly databases and other research resources when searching for studies related to the area of interest. In addition, students will assist in the coding of relevant material from the retrieved studies in order to contribute to the development of a database. Finally, students will further develop their critical thinking and analysis skills as they learn to discern studies that are relevant and appropriate for inclusion and which to exclude as not related. Your work may be used to fulfill Honors Activity. If interested, please contact Tracy Sikorski (

  • Call for Abstracts: Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, Due 3/1 or 3/8

    CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium

    Saturday April 5th, 2014
    Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile

    Abstracts for the tenth annual Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium (CAURS) are currently being accepted at

    Registration Deadlines: Oral Presentations -- March 1st
    Poster Presentations -- March 8th

    CAURS is an annual research conference that gives undergraduate students around Chicago the opportunity to present their research in a professional yet relaxed setting. Students from all academic disciplines and all schools in the Chicagoland area are invited to submit abstracts; registration is free for DePaul University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Loyola University Chicago, Northwestern University, University of Chicago, and University of Illinois at Chicago undergraduates. All participants give a poster presentation and a number of students who wish to do so are selected to deliver an oral presentation as well.

    Lunch and dinner are provided for all student participants. In addition, CAURS features a number of informal roundtable discussions with industry representatives, graduate and professional school recruiters, and various other speakers.

    For more information and registration/abstract submission, please visit  Contact Nikhil Bommakanti at with questions.

  • Lavender Research Forum, Proposals Due ASAP

    *** Please note: the deadline for submission was today at 4pm.  However, if you would like to make a submission, contact Dr. Patricia O'Brien right away as they may be able to take some late submissions.***


    Lavender Research Forum:  Highlighting Undergraduate and Graduate LGBTQPA Research


    The UIC Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer People and Allies (LGBTQPA) Issues is accepting submissions for student research papers to be presented at the Lavender Research Forum on Monday, April 14, 2014 on the UIC Campus. Papers submitted for consideration should examine topics pertaining to LGBTQPA people, straight allies, and intersex people and communities. All applicants will be notified by March 10 if they have been selected to present at the Forum.

    Awards: In addition to selection for presentation, the two papers most highly rated by the committee will be awarded monetary prizes: 1st prize: $200,  2nd Prize: $100.                 

    Selection will be made by a review committee who will not know the paper’s author(s).

    Rules for the 2014 Paper Competition

    1.     Author(s) must be enrolled as undergraduate or graduate students at UIC
    2.     Paper may have more than one author but all authors must be UIC students
    3.     Author(s) can only submit one paper for consideration
    4.     Original research must have IRB approval
    5.     All authors must be available to present their work at the Forum
    6.     The submission must follow the following format and content guidelines
      1.     10 pages maximum single space including references and appendices
      2.     Cover page, with affiliation, short biography, lay abstract
      3.     Narrative including introduction, literature review, design, findings, and significance
      4.     Send questions about submission to Patricia O’Brien (
      5.     Submit paper only by email to Patricia O’Brien ( with subject line: Lavender Research Forum



  • Honors College Undergraduate Research Grants, Due Mon. 2/24

    A significant advantage of being in the Honors College is access to money to support your undergraduate research. Please see your faculty research advisor right away and start now to write your applications for several grants-in-aid, which are all due Monday, February 24, 2014. All applications must be supported by a letter from the research faculty advisor.

    (1) Research grants: Many forms of scholarship are supported for up to $1,000, including senior Capstone theses, for expenditures incurred since August 19, 2013, or those anticipated for projects planned for Spring and Summer 2014 semesters. The money will fund costs associated with student research or other creative or scholarly activity (rather than, for example, student stipends).

    (2) Travel grants: Proposals will be considered for expenses associated with presentation of research at conferences (e.g., flight, hotel, poster preparation costs) up to $500.

    Click on the post to learn more.

  • Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Research Experience, Mon. 3/3

    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in collaboration with the National Science Foundation (NSF) invites  students to partake in our 2014 Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Research Experience.  This summer research program brings together underrepresented* minority undergraduate students in the STEM fields for the summer to experience laboratory research under the mentorship of premier Rensselaer faculty. 

    This eight week program is designed to help curious and solution-oriented students gain confidence in the lab, develop enthusiasm for graduate school, cultivate a professional network, and earn attractive qualifications. Participants will participate in professional development activities and present their research. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is located in upstate New York, 110 Eighth Street, Troy, NY 12180.  

    Application deadline is March 3.  Click on the post to read more.

    *African-American, Alaskan Native, Native American, Hispanic American, or Native Pacific Islander

  • 2014 Student Research Forum – Submissions Due March 24

    Are you looking for an opportunity to present your Honors Capstone project or other undergraduate research project?

    The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, in conjunction with the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs and the University of Illinois Alumni Association, is pleased to announce the 2014 Student Research Forum (SRF), which will be held on April 8, 2014. This important campus-wide event showcases undergraduate, graduate and professional student research covering a broad range of scholarship: Art/Design/Humanities; Business/Computer Science/Mathematics; Engineering/Physical Sciences; Life Sciences; and Social Sciences. In addition to awards in the above categories, awards will be given to the top student research projects that best reflect the principles of sustainability.

    To participate in the event, you will need to submit a one-page abstract by 9:00AM, Monday, March 24, 2014. Further details on the event and specific instructions for participation are provided on the SRF website.

  • 2014 Illinois African American & Latino Higher Education Alliance (IALHEA) Dialogue and Research Forum - Student Presenter Submissions Due 2/21/14

    We are pleased to announce the IALHEA Diversity Dialogue and Research Forum.   The goal is to improve opportunities for underrepresented students in Illinois institutions of higher education through networking and sharing of scholarly presentations designed to improve dissemination of research projects, teaching strategies, and service efforts.

    The 2014 Illinois African American and Latino Higher Education Alliance (IALHEA) Dialogue and Research Forum is scheduled for Friday, April 4, 2014 at UIC’s Student Center East.   The Dialogue and Research Forum also includes alumni, as guest speakers, who typically focus on issues of public policy and professional development.  There is no cost for the event and lunch is provided.  

    Undergraduate student abstracts are being accepted for this multidisciplinary research forum.  Submit your abstract today. Research poster presentations will be on Friday, April 4, 2014 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

    If you would like to submit an abstract, learn more here: .  Note: The student abstract submission deadline is: Friday, February 21, 2014

    For further information, contact Lunaire Ford at 773.413.2556 ( or Demetria Ward-Kato, Graduate School Specialist, at 312.413.2459 (

  • Chicago Academic Medicine Summer Program II, Apply by 2/24

    CAMP II is an eight-week commuter program where students learn to conduct primary research in a laboratory with a University of Chicago faculty mentor. Participants will be selected either following successful completion of CAMP I or through previous participation in a similar summer pre-medical training program. Students will gain a fundamental understanding of the ethics of research, the basics of biostatistics, and the conduct of biomedical research.CAMP II also provides an enhanced focus on medical school application processes to support future success. Participants will engage in MCAT preparation coursework and re-visit the elements of personal statement writing and interviewing skills. This experience is available to a cohort of participants who are underrepresented in the medical education community, and is intended for freshmen or sophomores. 

    Learn more at Applications are due Monday 2/24.  Contact Nikki Oliver at 773-702-8946 or with questions.

  • The Berkeley Prize for Undergraduate Essays in German Studies, Due 2/15/14

    The Berkeley Undergraduate Essay Prize is awarded annually by the Department of German for outstanding unpublished papers written during the previous calendar year by undergraduate students enrolled at a North American university/college. Thus the 2014 prize will consider papers written during 2013 on a broad range of topics in German studies. The winning essays carry a cash award of $500 each and will be considered for publication in the department’s electronic journal TRANSIT (
    The submission deadline is February 15, 2014.  Click on the post to learn more.
  • UIC Summer Research Opportunities Program, Due Mon. 2/3

    UIC Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) - sophomores and juniors from historically underrepresented ethnic minority groups who have a 2.75 GPA or above; provides stipend to perform research with UIC faculty one-on-one - Deadline: February 3, 2014 - website: 

  • Off-Campus Summer Research in Science and Engineering: Amgen Scholars, Due 2/3 or 2/14

    The Amgen Scholars program provides research opportunities in science and engineering to students in any academic major. Opportunities are available at several host universities and students will work with a faculty mentor. Specific projects and funding opportunities vary by host institution; please visit for more information and application materials. 

    Deadlines: February 3 for most institutions, February 14 for the California Institute of Technology.

    For more information:  

  • Nebraska Summer Research Programs, Priority Deadline 2/1

    The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's summer program offers research opportunities in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields in addition to a new interdisciplinary Minority Health Disparities program doing research in and around the social sciences. A complete listing of faculty mentors and research project descriptions can be found on our website at Students can also find information about program benefits including a competitive stipend, room and board, travel expenses, and more.

    Summer 2014 programs include: 

    • Algal Biofuels and Nanohybrid Materials 
    • Applied Mathematics 
    • Bioenergy Systems 
    • Biomedical Engineering 
    • Chemistry 
    • Minority Health Disparities  
    • Redox Biology 
    • Virology 
    • Water in the Earth System 

    During the Nebraska Summer Research Program, students receive first-hand exposure to research and the experience of graduate school. They work closely with faculty mentors and research teams of graduate students and other summer scholars. Students also have opportunities to participate in meaningful social and professional development activities outside of the laboratory.

    Priority review begins Friday, February 1 and all applications must be completed by Monday, February 17. Students historically underrepresented in graduate education and students from academic institutions where research programs are limited are especially encouraged to apply.

    Download the flyer here. If you have questions, please contact Maggie Jobes, Summer Research Program Director at the University of Nebraska, at 

  • Paid Summer Internships in Health Services Research, Due 2/1

    The University of Pennsylvania’s Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics (LDI) offers paid summer internships for underrepresented minority undergraduates, or any other undergraduates interested in exploring the field of health services research.  LDI is one of the country’s largest health services research centers coordinating the work of more than 200 senior fellows investigating the medical, economic, and social issues that influence how health care is organized, financed, managed, and delivered across the US.  The LDI Summer Undergraduate Minority Research (SUMR) program pairs students with senior fellows to work on real research projects throughout the three-month duration of the course. Those mentors are also faculty members at Penn Medicine, The Wharton School, Penn Nursing, Penn Dental and Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania.

    To learn more and apply, visit the SUMR website at  The application deadline is February 1.

  • Research Opportunity in the Ecology & Evolution

    Seeking 1 (perhaps 2) serious, committed, and detail-oriented undergraduate researchers for a semester minimum research track. The first semester you would work as a volunteer (6 hours per week, perhaps increasing to 10). The second semester you would have the option of taking honors research credit under course 199.  First semester would focus on learning to identify soil mites and Collembola.  Second semester would focus on mite sorting and identification.  Click on the post to learn more.

  • Call for Papers: German Undergraduate Research Conference, Due 2/15

    The German Program at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, IL will host its 3rd-Annual German Undergraduate Research Conference during the spring semester of 2014. The purpose of this conference is to provide an outlet for students from any field of research engaging with any area of German Studies to present their research to their peers and to receive feedback in an academic setting. Since this conference is open to all advanced-level undergraduate students at any university in North America, it will afford those attending an excellent opportunity not only to network with others researching in the field, but also to discuss their own academic and study abroad experiences with students from different universities and academic backgrounds. Presenting at this conference will also provide students with valuable experience that will be relevant to any field of post-graduation work or study being considered.

    3rd Annual German Undergraduate Research Conference
    Illinois Wesleyan University
    Conference Dates: 4-5 April 2014
    Submission Deadline: 15 February 2014
    Language of Conference: German

    To learn more, visit the conference website: 

  • Summer Research Internship for Sustainable Environment, Due 2/1

    RISEUP: Research Internships for a Sustainable Environment with Undergraduate Participation at Wayne State University, sponsored by the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, is a 12-week summer research program that will pair qualified undergraduate students with professional mentors to study multiple-stakeholder environmental issues in the Lake St. Clair-Detroit-River-Lake Erie corridor.  Program details, as well as a flyer and application, can be found at Applications are due by February 1st, 2014.

  • Paid Summer Internships in Health Services Research, Due 2/1

    The University of Pennsylvania’s Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics (LDI) offers paid summer internships for underrepresented minority undergraduates, or any other undergraduates interested in exploring the field of health services research.  LDI is one of the country’s largest health services research centers coordinating the work of more than 200 senior fellows investigating the medical, economic, and social issues that influence how health care is organized, financed, managed, and delivered across the US.  The LDI Summer Undergraduate Minority Research (SUMR) program pairs students with senior fellows to work on real research projects throughout the three-month duration of the course. Those mentors are also faculty members at Penn Medicine, The Wharton School, Penn Nursing, Penn Dental and Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania.

    To learn more and apply, visit the SUMR website at  The application deadline is February 1.

  • Research Assistant Position: Center for Narcolepsy, Sleep and Health Research

    We are seeking multiple motivated Honors College upper level undergraduate students to participate as research assistants in our Center.  Potentially interested students can learn more about the Center for Narcolepsy, Sleep and Health Research by visiting our website at: 

    And in particular, can learn more about our research programs at: 

    We have an immediate need for research assistants on a Phase II randomized controlled trial of a novel drug treatment for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (the PACE trial).  This is the first multi-site phase II trial of any drug for sleep apnea ever sponsored by the National Institutes of Health.  


  • Asian American Studies Undergraduate Research Position, Application Review Begins 1/13

    Are you interested in the social sciences, higher education, and/or career development? Do you enjoy research and have experience utilizing online databases, such as ERIC and JSTOR?

    Become an undergraduate research assistant in Asian American Studies and report to Jill Huynh, Assistant Director.

    This project focuses on the career development of Asian American students at UIC and other institutions, including, but not limited to, those who are involved in Asian American Studies (ASAM) or related ethnic studies programs. Specifically, we will examine 1) what on- and off-campus career resources target Asian American students and/or ASAM students during and after college, and 2) what professions, career fields, and graduate programs Asian American and/or ASAM alumni have gone on to pursue.

    This position pays $10/hour for 8-12 hours/week.

    Click on the post to read more.

  • Honors Activity Option: Atlantic Slave Trade research with Prof. Cirillo

    If you are looking for an Honors Activity, consider working under the guidance of Professor Nancy Cirillo. She would be glad to supervise two students this semester for continuing development of the Atlantic Slave Trade collection (c.800 volumes, 18th and 19th centuries, British, French and American). Students would work with the archivist of Special Collections, Daley Library, Valerie Harris, directly with the collection itself. They would also meet with Prof. Cirillo a specified number of times throughout the semester for discussions of its historical significance. Interested students should get in touch with Prof. Cirillo (; she will help set up the first meeting with Valerie.

  • Undergraduate Work-Study Research Position in Neural Stem Cell Biology

    Research lab focusing on neural stem cell biology and gene therapy translational research in pediatric genetic diseases is looking to hire and train two Honors undergraduate (freshman/ sophomore) research assistants who have active federal work study funds.

    Initial responsibilities will include general lab maintenance and mouse husbandry. After training and with demonstrated gained experience, responsibilities will include: tissue culture, molecular biology, intracraneal injections of gene therapy vectors, bone marrow transplantation, immunohistochemistry and stereology. Priority is given to Biology/Chemistry majors with top GPAs. This is a unique experience for those pursuing Medical/Graduate school.

    Click on the post to read more.

  • Psi Chi Matchmaker: Find Research Opportunities in Psychology! Fri. 1/17

    Interested in psychological research?  Want to earn PSCH credit in 396?

    Come to the Spring 2014 MATCHMAKER

    Friday, January 17th

    4-6 pm

    140 BSB

    The purpose of the MATCHMAKER is to connect potential undergraduate research assistants with faculty and graduate students for PSCH 396 or Honors Activities.  Research experience is great preparation for graduate school!


    MATCHMAKER is sponsored by the PSI CHI HONOR SOCIETY.

  • Summer Research Internship with the Department of Homeland Security

    The Department of Homeland Security offers ten-week summer research internship opportunities in a variety of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.  Various hosting sites and project topics are available across the country.  Students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA and must provide proof of US Citizenship to apply.  

  • Psychology Research Assistant Position, Spring 2014, Due Friday 12/20

    Dr. Stewart Shankman in the Department of Psychology is looking for undergraduate research assistants. RA's should have flexible schedules to help with lab visits, be timely and have an interest in mood disorders and pursuing a higher degree in Psychology. Weekend availability is strongly desired, as is experience using SPSS for data entry and working with participants. Responsibilities of an RA include assisting graduate students with lab visits, entering data into SPSS, and generally helping around the lab.

  • College of Medicine Undergraduate Research Position, Interviews Start 12/16

    A lab in the Department of Medicine seeks two dedicated volunteer students who are interested in contributing to our research projects for the 2013-2014 academic year (ideally can continue through May 2015). Our research primarily focuses on the role of the microbiome, miRNAs in lung, cardiovascular and kidney disease.  The student can help with carrying out experiments with the possibility of being included in publications that come of this work and they can apply the work toward their capstone project.