Deluxe apartment including covered parking spot.
2nd floor walk-up for convenience; fully furnished and all amenities (i.e. A/C, heat, dishwasher, cable, wall-mounted TV, huge walk-in closet, wireless internet) and utilities included in cost. Tower also has free laundry room, two fitness rooms, tanning beds, computer room with printers, lounge area, security desk, as well as an office to receive all incoming packages. Covered parking spot in attached lot is included as well; price can be negotiated especially if parking is not needed. Apartment rent is $849 but I'm willing to knock the price down to $775! Even less if you don't need the parking spot. I'm also willing to negotiate with some of the stuff already in my room like an extra 40" TV, high quality mattress egg crate, tall shoe rack, pots, pans, anything! For pictures see:
The Tower is right off of campus, and right off of Green Street. It's about a 5 minute walk from main campus. County market is 3 blocks away for groceries, and all campus restaurants are walk-able.
Please contact me if interested at, available for showings!