If anyone wants to sublet my apartment over the summer, that'd be great. My roommate will also be moved out, so you'd basically get a 2 bedroom apartment to yourself for half the price. The apartment is pretty nice and it's quiet. Utilities, internet, and cable(Yes, HBO, FXX, all the good ones) are included for free. There's a washer, dryer, and dish washer in the apartment. It's furnished, and the furniture is pretty nice, in my opinion. It comes with a walk-in closet, and a pretty big bathroom (each bedroom has it's own closet and bathroom, so no, you won't have to share). There's also a pool, private theater, and workout center on site if that makes the deal sweeter for you. AND, it's not as expensive as you might think. It's actually cheaper than living in a dorm here! Message me for more details if interested! My email is emcarte2@illinois.edu. It would definitely be a fun place to live over the summer, but I have previous engagements.