I am looking for 1-4 people to sublease our 4X2 apartment at the HUB for $910/month! This apartment building is very new and has great amenities (rooftop pool, full gym, yoga studio, sauna, terrace, outdoor grills, club room, etc.). It also has the best location (above the book store and directly next to the main quad) and is extremely safe. Reach out to me by email or text (847)-431-0740 if interested!
Below is the link to the apartment building's website for more information: https://huboncampus.com/champaign/?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqP2pBhDMARIsAJQ0Czq7BaOO1IqXmN8HQQi7ugIcYG6jjspfmRz5VyY_vs4Wkr41en0woX4aAl4XEALw_wcB