A new course was added to the Summer Course Offerings. Here are the details:
Course Title: NRES 499 – Foundations in Environmental Education
Credit Hours: 3
Course Schedule: Tuesdays, 6:30 – 9:00 pm, May 27 – Aug 12, 2014
Course Description: This course will explore the history of environmental education, assumptions of environmental literacy (including concepts, skills and behaviors), current trends in environmental education practices, and the professional responsibilities of both formal and non-formal environmental educators.
For further information, please contact Renee Gracon at gracon1@illinois.edu.
A new course was added to the Fall Course offerings as well.
Course Title: HORT 482/598 – Plant Tissue Culture
Credit Hours: 3
Course Schedule: Mondays, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Course Description: Survey and application of cell and tissue culture strategies for plant research and production. Topics include culture environment, media composition, tissue manipulation, organogenesis, embryogenesis, somatic hybridization, and the use of these techniques for plant propagation and physiological and biochemical research.
For further information, please contact Christine Martinez at cmartinz@illinois.edu.