Below is a list of the archived webinars that will help you save time and make your effort more productive as you meet the degree requirements. Please contact Renee Gracon at if you are interested in viewing any of the presentations. All presentations are approximately 1 hour in length and PowerPoint files are available to accompany the recordings.
Annual Review Process – information about what is required and why.
Capstone Options – Descriptions of the three options (NRES 503, 505 and 507) and expectations.
Capstone Tips – What to do after you have an approved research proposal or GIAF.
Capstone Tips – What to do as you are approaching the completion of the draft of your project.
Careers – thinking outside the box for potential employers and how to market yourself.
Collaborate Orientation – steps for getting ready for synchronous sessions.
Internships – where to look, how to approach a company, and how to create a GIAF.
Independent Research Project – Part 1: Selecting a project and writing the proposal.
Independent Research Project – Part 2: Writing the Final Paper.
Making use of Library Resources – making the most of all the library has to offer.
Making an Effective Oral Presentation for the M.S. Degree – tips on how to squeeze all of your work into a short, effective, and interesting presentation that will meet the Evaluation Committee’s expectations.
Mastering PowerPoint for the Oral Presentation – tips on how to create the PowerPoint to emphasize the science and meet the Evaluation Committee’s approval. Uses examples from many student presentations.
Reading Scientific Publications – Learn the art of reading scientific papers. Develop strategies to make the most of your literature search.
Reflective/Analytical Writing for the Capstone Project – especially useful for those working on internships. Tips on how to analyze the work you did and reflect on the implications to yourself and the greater scientific community.
Winning the Second Half: What to do After completing 16 hours of graduate credit – how to maximize your success in the M.S. program and expedite graduation.
Writing Goals and Objectives – a must for creating the Graduate Internship Approval Form. Learn how to make your objectives “SMARTer” .