Just a reminder, the NRES Virtual Advising Office will be open on Wednesday evenings throughout April from 6:00 – 7:30 pm Central, to answer questions you may have about future course offerings, course planning, capstone projects, etc. Please take advantage of the opportunity for one-on-one consultation.
If you are planning to enroll in capstone credit for the summer or fall semesters, please add your name to the Capstone Enrollment Request list at: https://illinois.edu/fb/sec/485691 . Be sure to specify which capstone course you wish to enroll in and the number of credit hours. Remember, the request will not be processed until you have a fully approved capstone proposal on file. If you have any questions about whether your proposal is on file, please contact Renée at gracon1@illinois.edu.
If you are planning to take the Written Final Exam in August to meet the degree requirement, please add your name to the Exam Distribution List by going to: https://illinois.edu/fb/sec/5283479. The exam will be distributed online and you will have one week to complete the exam and submit it. A webinar will be scheduled in July (exact date TBD) to explain how to prepare for the exam. If you have questions about your eligibility to take the exam, please contact Renée.
We are happy to pass along this message from the National Science Teachers Association:
Achieve and the Teaching Channel have produced videos that present an overview of key innovations in the Next Generation Science Standards ( NGSS) and take a deep dive into each of the NGSS' three dimensions. The videos are intended to help educators become familiar with the three dimensions of the NGSS (crosscutting concepts, science and engineering practices, and disciplinary core ideas) and how they will benefit students. For more information, check out this blog post written by NGSS writing team leader Brett Moulding, https://www.teachingchannel.org/blog/2015/03/12/ngss-standards-with-a-purpose/; or check out the first video available at: https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/next-generation-science-standards-achieve .
Here is a message from the University of Illinois Alumni Association about a FREE upcoming webinar on Green Careers. We hope those interested will attend.
Green Careers Panel Discussion April 9, 7-8 p.m. CST Join us for a panel featuring representatives from the green and sustainability industries, who will discuss where you can work in the world of green careers. Panelists will present an overview of their work and the critical transferable skills needed for a broad array of positions in their industries. Learn how you can leverage and transfer your skills, knowledge, and abilities into one of these industries and overcome the challenges of breaking into a new field.
Christopher Dillion '03 BUS (UI), President, Campbell Coyle Kimberly Lombardozzi, LEED AP ID+C '84 ACES (UI), Sustainability Manager, CBC Flooring Kate Yoshida '09 MUPP (UIC), Program Coordinator, University of Illinois Chicago, Office of Sustainability
For more information, go to: http://www.uiaacareers.org/article.html?aid=506