Hi Everyone,
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES) invites all online graduate students to a day-long, fun-filled event on campus each fall. This event is designed to orient new students to the program, provide an opportunity for everyone to meet NRES faculty and learn about their areas of interest, learn more about capstone expectations, receive tips on navigating the program from recent NRES graduates, answer your questions about the program, and much more!
To better serve our students, we have found that weekends are the best time for this on-campus experience. For the past four years, we have held the event on a Saturday. Some years it has coincided with a home football game and other years it has not. To include as many people as possible, we would like your input scheduling this year’s event. In all cases, the event would be held from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Your participation in this survey will only take about 2 minutes, but it will help us schedule the event to accommodate the greatest attendance.
Whether you are planning to attend, or not, please respond to the Doodle Poll at: http://doodle.com/i397wcfxzqw4kf8m
Here are the options for the NRES Online Students’ On-Campus Day:
Saturday, Sept. 5th - (Attendees do not intend to attend the home football game.)
Sunday, Sept 6th - (Attendees would have the option of coming the day before to attend the Saturday game individually or as an NRES group.)
Saturday, Sept 12th - (Attendees do not intend to attend the home football game.)
Sunday, Sept. 13th - (Attendees would have the option of coming the day before to attend the Saturday game individually or as an NRES group.)
Saturday, Sept. 19th- (Away game does not interfere with event.)
Sunday, Sept. 20th – (Away game does not interfere with event.) Unable to attend all dates
More information about the Online Students’ On-Campus Day will be sent via Blogs. Please look for future announcements.
Your participation in this survey is appreciated. We hope that many of you will join us in September for a day on campus!
For questions, please contact Renee at gracon1@illinois.edu.
Piper Hodson and Renee Gracon