If you are planning to enroll in capstone credit this fall, the following information is very important.
Students who have earned at least 16 hours of academic credit in NRES are eligible to enroll in capstone credit if the following conditions have been met:
1) Your topic has been approved by Ms. Piper Hodson, Director of the Online Program.
2) You have an approved capstone project proposal on file. For those doing an independent research project (NRES 503), this means you must also have identified your committee and submitted the Committee Appointment Form (CAF). For those doing an Internship, this means that you must also have obtained your workplace supervisor's signature on the GIAF once the proposal has been approved.
3) You have notified the department of your intent to register for capstone credit by adding your name to the request list for registration at:
https://illinois.edu/fb/sec/485691. Permission to register should be requested no later than AUGUST 1st for the fall 2015 session.
For additional questions or concerns, please contact Renee at gracon1@illinois.edu.