We pass along this information from the North American Association of Environmental Educators (NAAEE) which may be of interest to our online students:
Rivers Curriculum Workshop ~ Illinois
"July 21–23, 2015 ~ Chicago, Illinois The Rivers Curriculum workshop is a comprehensive four-day workshop about rivers for 6th to 12th-grade teachers, although many lessons can be applied to younger students and to those in college. The curriculum uses rivers and watersheds as a focus for biology, chemistry, earth science, language arts, math, and geography. The lessons are inquiry-based and hands-on, introducing students to complex river-based concepts and issues in a real world approach."
Webinar: Collective Impact in Environmental Education
"July 28, 2015, 4:00 p.m. Eastern, 3:00 p.m. Central, 2:00 p.m. Mountain, 1:00 p.m. Pacific Collective impact occurs when organizations from different sectors agree to solve a problem using a common agenda, aligning their efforts, and using common measures of success. Join the Affiliate Network and NAAEE for an overview of the collective impact framework and explore how collective impact and collaborative practices can help support increased environmental literacy across North America.
Presenters: Bill Fulton, Founder and Director of the Civic Canopy and Hanna Nichols, Early Childhood Coordinator at the Civic Canopy."