On Monday, August 17, at 7:00 pm Central, NRES will host a webinar for all students currently working on capstone projects and for students planning to begin capstone work this fall. Students who anticipate beginning their capstone during the spring 2016 semester are welcome to attend.
This informational session will include discussion of degree requirements, deadlines, and expectations with respect to the final paper and oral presentation.
Prior to the webinar, please watch the previously recorded webinar on steps to take as you approach the end of your project:
After reviewing the recording, please send a list of questions you would like addressed during the 8/17 session to Renée (gracon1@illinois.edu ), for inclusion in the evening’s program. Students unable to attend should notify Renée, in advance, and still send questions that they would like answered about the completion process.
To join the Aug. 17th live presentation, please go to: https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?password=M.19C11EA0056D5D3BC3797830F6AFA1&sid=407
We look forward to seeing you there.
Piper Hodson and Renée Gracon