Fall Registration Deadlines and Requirements Reminders from the Graduate College
Friday, September 4th is the last day to
1) Reduce your program for full semester and receive a refund, and
2) Add a semester course for Fall 2015 without permission.
Please be sure to check your registration via Student Self-Service https://apps.uillinois.edu/selfservice/ to make sure you are attending the courses you are registered for and that you are registered for the courses you are attending!
Semester deadline for Oral Presentation of Capstone Project
All students planning to graduate in December must schedule their oral defense (presentation) of the capstone project (with Research Advisor approval) on or before November 13th.
December 2015 Graduates- Pending Degree List
Students who plan on having all degree requirements completed and will graduate in December 2015 should add themselves to the December degree conferral list via Student Self-Service. In addition, please notify Karen Claus (kclaus@illinois.edu) of your intentions.
Fall event reminders from NRES
September 10th is the last day to enter the Photo/Video contest for all online NRES students. For contest rules and information, go to: https://uofi.app.box.com/files/0/f/2717195584/1/f_30372198403
September 12th is the online students' On-Campus day! Please RSVP by September 4th at: https://illinois.edu/fb/sec/2816761
Information from the Institute for Sustanability, Energy and Environment: Final week to register for major international water conference on campus.
Registration closes Friday for iSEE Congress 2015, "Water Planet, Water Crises? Meeting the World?s Water-Food-Energy Needs Sustainably." The event, open to all faculty, students, staff and community members, is Sept. 14-16 in the Alice Campbell Alumni Center. Registration is free; simply click on the headline above. For more details about the Congress and speakers, visit http://bit.ly/iSEECong15