Sorry for the multiple e-mails that went out with the difficult to read text. I was trying to get it to look reasonable and only realized too late it was sending it as an e-mail each time I tried. My apologies.
Here is (hopefully) a more legible version of other registration information.
And the newest NRES Career Bulletin is available at
Have a terrific weekend, and I apologize again for the multiple e-mails.
Other registration information that you might find useful:
Only registration for summer classes will be available beginning Monday, even though you may have a time ticket for fall. The fall Academic Outreach courses cannot be entered into the system at this point, so they won’t be available for you to register for a few more weeks. Don’t worry, though, no one else can register for them either, so you won’t get closed out of them. Heather will be able to let us know when those courses have been entered and are available for registration. If you want to know what we have planned for Fall 2010, see
If you are ready to enroll in NRES 501 to begin work on your project (or NRES 599 if you are in the thesis option), you must have your research director e-mail Heather indicating that you have permission to enroll so that she can get the section created. The e-mail needs to indicate clearly whether it is for NRES 501 or 599 and how many hours you are seeking and the faculty member is approving.
Hope this information is helpful, and be sure to post questions if there’s something we’ve missed.
Everyone have a wonderful weekend,
Piper Hodson
Student Services Coordinator
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Resources for admitted students:
Resources for non-degree students: