Reminders from the Graduate College:
December 10 Reading Day Deadlines
Do you have an Incomplete from Spring 2015? December 10 is the last day for a faculty member to submit a grade to change an “I” grade or “DFR” grade in a non-thesis course from Spring 2015 to prevent an F by rule on your academic record. The F may affect Academic Standing which is calculated at the end of the semester. December 10 is the Deadline to Drop a Fall 2015 semester course with a W recorded. To drop a course, you will need to complete a Late Course Change Form with the approval of your academic program. A W will be recorded on your academic record for the course.
Master's Deposit Deadline
Friday, December 11, is the deadline to complete the master’s capstone process for a December 2015 graduation. Because all corrections and all required deposit materials must be approved no later than 5 p.m. on the day of the deposit deadline, the Thesis Office strongly encourages students to submit the final paper for review several days before the deadline.
Reminders from the NRES Department:
Spring Course Enrollment
We encourage you to register for spring classes before going on Winter Holiday. This will ensure you time to prepare for classes and to acquire required textbooks. You can watch the recorded archive on Spring Courses by going to:
Capstone Course Enrollment
If you have an approved capstone project proposal and are planning to enroll in NRES 503 or NRES 505 for the Spring semester, you must add your name to the course request list at: .
Written Final Exam – Spring 2016
Students who have completed the core requirements by the end of the fall semester and who wish to take the Written Final Exam in January 2016 should add their names to the Distribution List by going to: Be sure to include the core courses that you have taken, a phone number, and an email address where you can be reached during the semester break. The exam will be distributed on January 4th and due back no later than January 10th. The next opportunity to take the exam is August 2016.
ICES Course Evaluation
Please complete the course evaluations which help us to monitor current courses, evaluate course satisfaction, and improve our course offerings. Your input is very important and appreciated. Your responses are confidential. To complete your course evaluations, go to:
If you have additional questions or concerns about course selection, registration for the written exam or capstone enrollment, or questions about degree requirements, please contact Renee Gracon at