This is a reminder for those of you seeking financial support for your research-related travel that the applications for the Graduate College Conference Travel Grant and the NRES Educational Opportunities Grant are due on Monday.
Here are the details:
Are you traveling to present at a conference? Are you going to attend a conference, workshop, or travel to learn a new research technique?
There are TWO different awards available to help you pay for these valuable educational experiences: the Graduate College Conference Travel Award (you must be presenting) and the NRES Graduate Educational Opportunity Grant. If you are presenting at a conference, we encourage you to apply for both the Graduate College award and the NRES grant.
Applications will be accepted for activities that take place from June 1, 2010 to January 1, 2011.
The deadline for the receipt of applications for both of these awards is Monday, September 20, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. Details on each competition are below. Be sure to read the eligibility requirements and application procedures carefully.
Graduate College Conference Travel Awards
These awards, not to exceed $300, provide financial support for students traveling to professional conferences to present papers, posters, or creative work. The department in which the student is enrolled must endorse and approve the student's participation in the conference. The amount of the grant is based on the distance of the conference from Champaign-Urbana.
Eligibility Requirements
· You must be registered and in good standing during the term the award is received.
· You must be presenting at a professional conference.
· You are eligible to receive only one Conference Travel Award per academic year.
· NRES must endorse and approve your participation in the conference.
· You must have paid the SEAL (Students for Equal Access to Learning) fee for the current semester in order to be eligible to receive an award.
Application Procedure
A complete application requires four components (which fulfills the application requirements for both the Graduate College and the NRES grants):
1. The completed application at
2. A completed NRES Educational Opportunities Travel Grant Application (attached). Be sure that your adviser has specified the amount of financial support s/he is providing for your travel and registration expenses.
3. A written statement from you addressing the relevance of this experience toward achieving completion of your graduate program and career goals (this statement can be the same for both the Grad College and NRES awards if you are applying for both to fund the same opportunity).
4. Your curriculum vitae.
All four documents must be submitted to NRES Student Services via e-mail at If e-mail is not possible, a paper copy may be delivered to N-509 Turner Hall by 5:00 pm on Monday, September 20, 2010.
The NRES Graduate Admissions and Policy Committee will select the applications to be forwarded to the Graduate College.
Please note that campus policy requires students to purchase CISI insurance through the Study Abroad Office if they travel outside the United States under University sponsorship. More information about the CISI insurance can be found at the Study Abroad Office site under Information for Current Students at
NRES Graduate Educational Opportunity Grant
NRES provides financial support for graduate student travel that enhances your training and career opportunities. Applications for funding can include attendance at professional conferences, workshops, events, or for training to learn research techniques at other laboratories. Questions related to whether your activity could qualify for funding can be directed to Professor Michelle Wander, Graduate Coordinator, Grant applications from all NRES graduate students are accepted each fall and spring semester. Fall 2010 applications (attached) must be received by Monday, September 20, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. by the NRES Student Services Center via e-mail at If e-mail is not possible, a paper copy must be delivered to N-509 Turner Hall. Applications must include the following items:
1. the completed application (attached),
2. a written statement from you describing the educational event and addressing the relevance of this experience for achieving completion of your graduate program and career goals, and
3. a current curriculum vitae.
The Graduate Admissions & Policy Committee will evaluate and rank applications with emphasis on how well the educational opportunity promotes graduate training and complements your proposed research program. Academic performance and financial need will also be considered in the decision-making process. The committee's decision will be announced in conjunction with the announcement of the Graduate College Conference Travel Grant decisions by the end of October.
Students receiving travel grants will be required to submit receipts and be reimbursed after the travel has occurred. The reimbursement will be deposited into your student account.