Happy Holidays!
For prospective students considering the Online MS Program, one of the most useful features of the NRES web site is the profiles of current students and alumni.
Happy Holidays!
We are in the process of refreshing and expanding the Profiles of Current Students and Alumni page (http://nres.illinois.edu/future_online/profiles) of the NRES web site. If you would like to be featured on this page, please contact me, Candace Branigan at candaceb@illinois.edu for more information. We love having a photo and a personal story to tell. I have been contacting individual students and alumni and will continue to make specific requests, but do not want to miss anyone who is interested. So please get in touch if this appeals to you.
I would also like to remind you that you have the option of providing more information for the NRES Directory (http://nres.illinois.edu/directory_grad) if you would like to make it easier for prospective employers and clients to find you. You can see a fully developed directory entry for one of your fellow online students at (http://nres.illinois.edu/Graduate_Students_J_Hargrove) for an example of what can be included. Please contact Lezli Cline, Office Administrator, at lcline@illinois.edu with the information you would like to include in your directory entry.
Feel free to contact me with questions.
Have a wonderful and relaxing winter break!