I hope this finds you excited to start spring 2011 courses next week! If you have registered for U of I courses for the spring semester but have changed your mind, please note that you have to cancel your registration of full semester courses by 5:00 pm Friday, January 14th for a full refund of tuition and fees. Follow the link to the full story for more details.
If you want to cancel your registration for Spring 2011:
Students may be released from their obligation to pay all tuition and fees by cancelling their full term spring course registration before 5:00 p.m., Friday, January 14, 2011, the last business day before instruction begins. Log into Student Self-Service, navigate to the registration and records tab, and click on "Withdraw from Term/Cancel Registration." Choose Spring 2011 - Urbana-Champaign, click submit, and follow the instructions. For assistance or to cancel course sections that start after the spring semester begins, contact Peggy Day at pcday@illinois.edu or (217) 244-2507.
You can find more information on the cancellation and withdrawl refund policies at http://www.continuinged.uiuc.edu/oce-sites/outreach/policies-cancel.cfm.