Schedule of Summer Courses: You can preview the schedule of summer courses by going to: Please make sure you have registered in time to acquire any required texts.
Planning to Graduate in August:
June 30 – Last day for oral presentations (defense) of your capstone project.
July 9 – Last day to submit your committee approved (final version) of the capstone paper to the department for format review and deposit.
Capstone: Extending the Incomplete (I) Grade. If you were enrolled in a capstone course during the fall 2017 semester and you have not finished the capstone requirements, please take note. The “incomplete (I)” grade you were awarded will automatically convert to an “F” at the end of the spring semester UNLESS you complete the petition to request an extension. You will find the form at: You will need to supply your name, UIN, the capstone course number and CRN, and the number of credit hours for which you were enrolled, and a brief statement indicating that you are still actively working on your capstone project. Please take care of this before the end of the semester! For further information, contact Renée Gracon at
Course Evaluations: The University’s Instructor and Course Evaluation (ICES) will be going on soon. Take a few minutes to provide your feedback about the courses you are taking this semester. The comments you make help the department, curriculum committee, and your instructors guide important course-related decisions. Feedback to the instructors is anonymous. Please answer the survey today!
Capstone Readiness: Are you ready to start your capstone experience? It is important to prepare for your capstone experience. By the time you have completed 20 hours of academic coursework, you should fill out the Capstone Readiness form (available on the NRES website or by contacting Renée) and submit it via email to Renée Gracon at
Capstone Enrollment: If you are planning to enroll in capstone credit for the summer or fall semesters, please add your name to the Capstone Enrollment Request list at: . Be sure to specify which capstone course you wish to enroll in and the number of credit hours and which semester you plan to enroll. Remember, the request will not be processed until you have a fully approved capstone proposal on file. If you are planning to begin capstone work this fall, the summer would be a great time to work on your proposal and have it approved. If you have any questions about whether your approved proposal is already on file, please contact Renée at
Written Final Exam: If you are planning to take the Written Final Exam in August to meet the degree requirement, please add your name to the Exam Distribution List by going to: The exam will be distributed online and you will have one week to complete the exam and submit it. A webinar will be scheduled in July (exact date TBD) to explain how to prepare for the exam. If you have questions about your eligibility to take the exam, please contact Renée.