This information was reprised from the National Water Quality Monitoring Council Website:
Water Quality Monitoring: A Guide for Informed Decision Making Fact Sheet Series now available on the NWQMC Website
“Do you need help in explaining water-quality monitoring to a non-technical audience? Are you working with decision makers who are confused by the array of monitoring programs, water databases, data portals and tools to collect and interpret water quality information?"
"The NWQMC Water Information Strategies workgroup has developed a series fact sheets intended to help explain and clarify differences in water-quality monitoring designs. Each fact sheet is organized to answer the “how”, “what” and “when” questions of monitoring design. “How” is the program implemented? “What” types of questions does this design answer?” or “When” is this particular design appropriate? Examples from existing programs are provided to help guide the reader and quick links provide more in-depth information for each topic. Additionally, topics include the Water Quality Portal and tools such as Water Quality Indices and Report Cards are available to help guide you in the management and use of water quality data. Available factsheets include: Statistical (Probabilistic Surveys); Targeted Monitoring; Rotating Basin Monitoring Design; Fixed-Site Monitoring; and Remote Sensing. Other new factsheets cover topics including ‘How to Use the Water Quality Monitoring Portal’ and tools such as Water Quality Indices and Report Cards…”
National Water Quality Monitoring Council:
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