Registration is open and we are pleased to announce a wonderful array of courses coming up this spring! If you haven’t had a chance to review the options, please check out the upcoming spring course list at:
Along with the traditional core area spring offerings (NRES 416 – Forest Biology, NRES 455 – Advanced GIS, NRES 502 – Research Methods and Design, and NRES 511- Applied Ecology) we are excited to offer several other popular favorites this spring (NRES 403 – Watersheds and Water Quality, NRES 474- Soil and Water Conservation, and NRES 598 – Atmospheric Pollution and Society).
For further information about all of these courses, check out the program flyer at:
Share the course flyer with your friends and colleagues who are interested in taking a course as a non-degree seeking student!
For those who have an approved capstone proposal on file and wish to register for capstone credit, don’t forget to sign up as soon as possible for the required authorization at: For further information on courses or capstone registration, contact Renee Gracon at
Register soon!