Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Data Analytics Group
The CITL Data Analytics group is pleased to share with you a few announcements about training, consulting, and online tools offered this semester.
Statistics, Survey, and Data Consulting Services:
Do you need help locating data for a project or thesis? What about preparing your data for analysis? Stop in during our drop-in hours in 306 Main Library (Scholarly Commons) or contact us to schedule an online appointment.
Online Resources:
Please feel free to visit our public Wiki Page, offering information on CITL Resources for Teaching and Learning, our evening Workshop Series, and downloadable software guides and statistical procedures:
Workshop Registration:
During the Spring 2018 semester, all workshops will take place on-campus from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm. Workshops are free to UIUC students, faculty, and staff. We offer a limited number of seats and registration for our workshops is required:
SP18 Date(s)
R I: Getting Started with R
Tuesday, February 6 & Tuesday, March 6
R II: Inferential Statistics with R
Tuesday, February 13 & Wednesday, March 7
SPSS I: Getting Started with SPSS
Wednesday, February 7
SPSS II: Inferential Statistics in SPSS
Wednesday, February 14
SAS I: Getting Started with SAS
Tuesday, February 20
SAS II: Inferential Statistics with SAS
Tuesday, February 27
STATA I: Getting Started with STATA
Wednesday, February 21
STATA II: Inferential Statistics with STATA
Wednesday, February 28
ATLAS.ti I: Qualitative Data Analysis
Tuesday, March 13
ATLAS.ti II: Data Exploration and Analysis
Wednesday, March 14
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at For workshop-specific questions, please email