Fermilab: STEM Discovery in Progress
Make real world STEM connections by learning how the NGSS science and engineering practices work at a national laboratory! Talk with a panel of Fermilab scientists, engineers, and technicians to learn how the scientific process progresses from asking questions, to building and running experiments, to analyzing data. Walk through experimental sites to see the work in action. Discuss how these skills can be integrated into your classroom. The workshop is geared toward middle school STEM or science teachers, though others will enjoy it. This unique opportunity is co-sponsored by the DuPage Regional Office of Education and Fermilab. Please read the following items before the session: http://www.fnal.gov/pub/science/particle-physics-101/how-works.html http://iarc.fnal.gov/accelerators-and-society.html
For more information and to register, go to https://register.dupageroe.org, and look for #865.