Classes begin January 17. Have you registered, acquired your books and verified your technological capabilities? To find information on course options, ordering textbooks, and who to contact with questions regarding spring 2012 enrollment check out the following information.
We are extremely pleased with the wide range of courses offered this semester. Looking for something new and different? Check out NRES 403 – Watersheds and Water Quality. This course will be offered for the first time online this semester. Another exciting option focusing on the application of ecological principles to current environmental issues is NRES 499 - Fundamentals of Applied Ecology. Consider adding NRES 500 - the Graduate Seminars series to your agenda if you are in need of 500 level courses toward meeting graduation requirements. A synopsis of suggested course options is listed below. Find complete course information and the full list of College of ACES courses available to you at:
Course Title Instructor(s)
NRES 403 Watersheds and Water Quality Hudson
NRES 420 Restoration Ecology Endress
NRES 454 GIS in Natural Resources Management Mendoza
NRES 474 Soil and Water Conservation Olson
NRES 499 Fundamentals of Applied Ecology Schelsky
NRES 500 Graduate Seminar Kent
NRES 594 Professional Orientation (for newly admitted students) Ellsworth
NRES 598 Environmental Law and Policy Endres
ACES 409 Bioenergy Systems Blaschek
AGED 430 Youth Development Programs Clark
AGED 545 Research Methods and Design Anderson
CEE 440 Fate and Clean-up of Environmental Pollutants Song
CEE 598 Sustainable Construction Methods TBA
CPSC 418 Crop Growth and Management Nafziger
FSHN 595 Biotechnology and GMOs Chassy
HORT 421 Horticultural Physiology Briskin
HORT 482 Plant Tissue Culture Norton
HORT 499 Children and Nature Taylor
(NOTE: For non-NRES courses review the information from that department on tuition rates which may vary significantly from the NRES tuition. Also, you may need to contact that department for permission to enroll in the non-NRES courses.)
You can purchase your textbooks through the Illini Union Bookstore at:
If you are ready for your capstone experience, please contact Piper Hodson, Student Services Coordinator,, for assistance in registering for the appropriate course option.
If you need help with course selection, general advising information, or questions about navigating the program, please contact Renee Gracon, Online Advising Specialist, at For other academic questions, contact NRES Students Services at
For questions about how to enroll and other logistical issues, you can find help at, or you can contact Anna Mehl, Program Coordinator for the Office of Online and Continuing Education, at or 217-244-7023.
We look forward to having you in classes this fall!
Renee Gracon