A new course has been added to the Spring 2019 course offerings. NRES 516: Making Capstone Progress is designed to motivate, support, and provide extra guidance for students who are in the process of writing their capstone papers. Isolation that comes as part of being an online student can slow (or even derail) student progress unless there are weekly deadlines established. In addition, guided weekly reviews and the camaraderie of a small group of students who are in similar stages of the program will provide you with additional comfort and support. Students who are currently enrolled in NRES 503 or NRES 505 for the Spring 2019 semester will automatically be added to the Compass 2g site without needing to register for the class. Students not enrolled in capstone credit for Spring 2019 who feel they would benefit from this structured approach should register via the Self-Service portal by selecting NRES 512, CRN 69636. The synchronous class sessions will meet on Monday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. All written work generated for this class will correspond directly to your capstone.
Not sure you qualify for the course or need more information, please contact Renee Gracon (gracon1@illinois.edu) or Piper Hodson (phodson@illinois.edu).