A heartfelt thank you to all of the NRES alumni and current online students who played such a vital role in our success at Wild Things. Alumni Stacey Libra, Eleanor Schumacher, Mark Krivchenia, and current NRES students Claudia Boothe, Elwood Dumke and Tricia Bethke presented information about their capstone projects to rooms packed with listeners! Alum Kurt Dreisilker, Alumni Aaron Parks, Nancy Kreith, Jeff Weiss, Mark Krivchenia and current students Amy Osterman, Claudia Boothe, and Elwood Dumke volunteered at the Exhibit Hall table and did a super job talking with the many conference attendees and potential new students. The following alumni and current students provided video testimonials that were part of a continuous feedloop highlighting their capstones and the NRES program: Scott Brown, Kevin Hagen, Mark Krivchenia, Christine LePine, Michael Nosbisch, Aaron Parks, Mary Richardson, Eleanor Schumacher, Lydia Scott, Lyn Shirley, Tyler Steury, Catherine Wallace, Tomas Ward, and Josh Yellin. (My sincere apologies if I have forgotten to mention anyone!) We were happy to meet up with many former friends and NRES alumni throughout the day. Wild Things was a great opportunity for 2600 conservationists and preservationists to gather in support of volunteer stewardship the Chicagoland wilderness. We were honored to be part of this outstanding Conference! Thank you to all who attended and participated.