The NRES fall courses have been built and should now be visible to you in Self-Service. You can find a list of them at (refresh your page if you don't see Fall 2012).
NRES 594, as always, is also available for those new students who have not yet taken it. We expect there to be a few additions in Crop Sciences/Horticulture, Agricultural Education, and Engineering of which we aren't aware, yet.
As always, for non-NRES courses, you may need to contact that department for permission to enroll, and the tuition rate may differ significantly from that charged for NRES courses. Please read the linked course entry very carefully before choosing to enroll. It is also a good idea to contact the course department or instructor to make sure you have the background required to succeed in the course.
If you need advising, please contact Renee Gracon, NRES Online Advising Specialist, at or 217-333-7738.
Have a great afternoon,