1) The MS Online Photo Contest is well underway. Don’t miss your chance to showcase your NRES adventures! All entries must be received by September 15, 2012. Capturing your favorite moment, most memorable assignment, or unique location could win you a great prize! For a complete list of rules or an entry form, contact Renee at gracon1@illinois.edu.
2) There is still time to let us know you plan to attend the September 22nd On-Campus Orientation for all NRES MS Online Students. This day has been designed just for you! Meet the faculty, network with other graduate students, and learn more about campus resources available to all of our online students!
Here are important links to the event information:
· For agenda and travel information go to: http://nres.illinois.edu/system/files/2012_ACES_Online-Orientation_Travel_Information.doc
· To RSVP your participation or regrets, go to: https://illinois.edu/fb/sec/7339096
· If you are planning to attend, please remember to RSVP your choice of lunch by going to: https://Illinois.edu/fb/sec/9921961
For all other questions or concerns, please contact Renee at gracon1@illinois.edu
3) Be sure to watch for the upcoming virtual advising sessions: “The Final Path: What to do after you decided upon a Capstone Option”, and “Creating Effective Presentations”. If you have any suggestions for advising session topics, please send your ideas to Renee or Piper, phodson@illinois.edu .
We hope you have a great fall semester!
Renee and Piper