blog posts Capstone Presentation by Jeff Turner - July 17th Jul 12, 2019 3:45 pm by Piper Hodson Share on Facebook Tweet Email Images Student: Jeff Turner Capstone Presentation: An analysis of soil conservation plans: An internship with the Guilford Soil and Water Conservation District in N.C. Date and Time: Wednesday, July 17th at 1:00 pm CDT Location: Online; in person N-527 Turner Hall Delete Edit embedded media in the Files Tab and re-insert as needed. align image leftalign image centeralign image right Soil erosion reduces the productivity of agricultural soils and impairs rivers and streams. Current erosion rates from farmland are less than during the 1800s, but agriculture is still a leading source of impairment of U.S. streams. The Soil and Water Conservation District works with farmers to address erosion issues by creating conservation plans, as required by the 1985 Farm Bill. Digital and geospatial databases were created to manage the district's 1,900 soil conservation plans. The plans covered 63,000 acres and extended back to 1940. Only 70% of the plans fully remained in agriculture. The results quantify the district's efforts to control soil erosion in the area and provide guidance for future work. Share on Facebook Tweet Email