Krannert Art Museum and the School of Art+Design hosted a visit by University of Illinois alumnus William Wegman March 3–5, 2015.

During his time on campus, Wegman spent a day with current MFA students, including studio visits and critiques.

He also generously spent creative time with local elementary school students in the Krannert Art Museum–Week at the Museum (KAM–WAM) program.

Wegman's visit, sponsored in part by the Art + Design Ed Zagorski Visitors Fund, culminated with an artist talk attended by more than 400 visitors, including U of I Chancellor Phyllis Wise and Dean Edward Feser from the College of Fine + Applied Arts at Illinois.

After the talk was complete, visitors filled the museum's Contemporary Gallery to view the exhibition Artists Including Me: William Wegman.

Select Press Coverage
Joe Barlow from WCIA television's ciLiving interviewed William Wegman about his work in the exhibition Artists Including Me : "The Underdog Side of William Wegman" (Air date: March 6, 2015)
The U of I News Bureau published two pieces by Arts & Humanities Editor Jodi Heckel before and after Wegman's campus visit.
February 20 Interview: "Artist, Alumnus Returns to KAM"
March 6 Campus Feature: "Alumnus William Wegman displays his art and wit during campus visit"
Melissa Merli, Arts and Entertainment editor of The News Gazette interviewed Wegman for an in-depth article published Sunday, March 1: "William Wegman and the Pull of Painting"