From LAS Honors Dean Amanda Purcell: "The following LAS James Scholar courses are now open to James Scholars in any College. If any CHP students want to take one of these courses and are having trouble registering, they can contact me."
Is Humanity Doomed or Thriving with S. Goss Lucas, PSYC 199-GEN (Lecture-Discussion) 3 credit hours ▪ 52385 ▪ 09:30AM–10:45AM ▪ TR ▪ 27 Psychology Building. Although positive psychology is the main theme, the course begins with a reading and discussion of "5 Psychological Experiments That Prove Humanity Is Doomed." Students critically evaluate these five studies and use them to begin a discussion of research ethics. After readings on positive psychology, students search for psychological experiments that reveal human fulfillment and the ability to thrive. The course focuses on discussion with an emphasis on group work and writing. Restricted to students with First Year, Sophomore, or Junior Class standing.
Organismal and Evolutionary Biology with C. Caceres & B. Clegg. IB 150-AL1 (Lecture) 4 credit hours ▪ 34480 ▪ 03:30PM–04:50PM ▪ TR ▪ Lincoln Hall Theater. REQUIRES CONCURRENT REGISTRATION IN IB 150-AD9. IB 150-AD9 (Discussion/Recitation) 63885 ▪ 03:00PM–04:50PM ▪ W ▪ TBA. Introduction to physiology, genetics, and evolution of organisms and their ecology and diversity. This course satisfies the General Education Criteria in Spring 2018 for Nat Sci & Tech - Life Sciences.
Molecular and Cellular Basis of Life with B. Mehrtens & M. Reedy. MCB 150-AL1 (Lecture) 4 credit hours ▪ 38398 ▪ 02:00PM–02:50PM ▪ MWF ▪ Foellinger Auditorium. REQUIRES CONCURRENT REGISTRATION IN MCB 150-ADH. MCB 150-ADH (Discussion/Recitation Honors) 38415 ▪ 03:00PM–04:50PM ▪ T ▪ 491A Burrill Hall. Introductory course focusing on the basic structure and metabolic and molecular processes (i.e. membranes, energy metabolism, and genes) common to all cells. Emphasis on unique properties that differentiate the major sub-groups of organisms (Archaea, Bacteria, plants, and animals) and how cells are integrated into tissues and organs in multicellular organisms. Priority registration given to students in Biological Sciences Program and Biochemistry. For further information: This course satisfies the General Education Criteria in Spring 2018 for Nat Sci & Tech - Life Sciences.