Each semester, the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning collects Instructor and Course Evaluation (ICES) feedback forms from students.
Six faculty, one lecturer and three TA’s have been named to the List of Teacher’s Ranked Excellent for Fall 2015 for their teaching in LER: Teresa Cardador for LER 591 Employment Relations Systems, Ying Chen for LER 590 ERC Employment Relations in China, Wonjoon Chung for LER 593 Quantitative Methods in HR (TA Quiz section), Gentzy Franz for LER 597 Employee Motivation and Performance, Christina Frye for LER 593 Quantitative Methods in HR (TA Quiz section), Michael LeRoy for LER 522 Government Regulation and LER 590 CB Collective Bargaining in Sports and Entertainment, Joe Martocchio for LER 557 Human Resources Theory, Dan Newman for LER 593 Quantitative Methods in HR, Emily Pope-Obeda for LER 130 Introduction to Labor Working Class History and Taekjin Shin for LER 590 EC Executive Compensation. Dan Newman was named to the list for two courses that he taught in Psychology (PSYC 552 Social Psychology Theory and Methodology II and PSYC 598 Proseminar in Psychology).
Kudos for your hard work and outstanding teaching!