FCB Chicago
Internship Title
Account Management Intern
What were your duties?
My duties varied day to day, but I was an account management intern for the Dry Eye prescription, Restasis. I worked on editing print advertisements and digital posts for the consumer side. I researched about the competitor and different Safety Information guidelines and compared them. I explored consumer/industry trends and provided thoughts and recommendations to my team and did my final presentation on why advertising in health care needs social influencers. In addition to the consumer side, I was fortunate to work on the eye care professional side as well as the unbranded campaign that discussed Dry Eye Awareness and Prevention. During the 8th week of my internship, I participated in Think Tank which was a new business pitch for an account where I worked with creatives, strategists, and other account interns to create a new campaign for one of FCB’s clients.
What did you most enjoy about your internship?
The entire internship was overall an amazing experience, but the part I enjoyed most was working with the team. Each person came from unique backgrounds and they treated me as I was apart of the team and not just an intern. I learned so much from the various people across all disciplines from creative directors to strategists to account executives, I am very grateful for the relationships and mentors I gained from the internship.
What was the most difficult aspect of the internship?
The most difficult aspect of the internship was learning the bandwidth of work I had. I always wanted to be the one to help if anyone needed it, but sometimes I would have to remember that I had daily or long-term priorities for the internship that needed to be done. I was always making sure I utilized the resources and people to make sure that I was doing things efficiently and correctly. It is important to know when you have too much on your plate and there are many people to help.
How did your experience at ILLINOIS and in the College of Media prepare you for your internship?
My experience at Illinois and in the College of Media prepared me very well for my internship. I used my networking skills that I gained from the Media Career Services and events like Windy City. The classes I have taken helped me understand what account management and the different disciplines in an advertising agency were like. I connected with many alumni from the University that now work at FCB Chicago to help prepare before the internship started.
How has your internship prepared you for a career?
This internship prepared me for my career because I got real interaction with clients, other members of teams and a general sense of what it would be like to be in account management. Each day I learned new things like presentation skills, networking and utilizing resources that I now can use throughout my life at home and school and I am happy to say I will be returning to FCB Chicago as an assistant account executive after graduation.
What recommendations do you have for other students about doing an internship?
For any students interesting in doing an internship, my advice for you is to take advantage of the people you are working with. Ask for fifteen minutes out of there day to ask about their career and any advice they have. You will meet so many different people that are mentors for you as you start your career. Another piece of advice is to always be passionate about the task you are completing. It is a good thing to ask questions and be proactive because the more you do, people will trust you and give you more responsibilities. My last recommendation is to always be positive. Whether it is finding an internship or getting a lot of feedback on a project, being positive will help you in any situation that is thrown at you.