The National Great Rivers Research and Education Center (NGRREC) is seeking a Habitat Strike Team Coordinator (HST) to work alongside, coordinate, and supervise the Habitat Strike Team (HST) staff in utilizing common ecological restoration tools to establish and manage a suite of conservation practices. The primary purposes of the position will be to supervise and coordinate the NGRREC Habitat Strike Team to safely implement best restoration or management practices for particular sites and utilize the necessary tools to successfully accomplish the conservation goal on specific properties. The HST Coordinator works closely with the Illinois Recreation Access Program (IRAP) coordinator and regional partners to effectively plan management activities across private properties enrolled in the IRAP program and publically accessible properties, respectively. This position will also help prepare/train L&C Restoration Ecology students, interns, and volunteers on common restoration practices and habitat management for game and nongame species. As supervisor the coordinator will set work schedules, approve time sheets and mileage reimbursement for HST Senior and Junior Assistants and student workers and will monitor appropriate budget line items (e.g. travel and supplies and materials) in coordination with the conservation program manager. The coordinator will help evaluate Senior and Junior HST members in conjunction with conservation program Manager. This position will ultimately be responsible for planning HST work, with guidance from the conservation program manager ensuring the team is running efficiently.
See the job listing website for additional information.