Life Sciences Career Trainee - Opt E
Agency: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Location: Sangamon County, IL
Closing Date: August 6, 2020
Kathy Taylor,
1021 North Grand Avenue East MC #37
PO Box 19276 l Springfield, IL 62794-9276
(217) 785-1745 I Fax (217) 524-6907
Term/Grade: Full time
Major Duties: Under direct supervision of the Compliance and Reporting Unit Manager, Waste Reduction and Compliance Section (WRCS), in the Bureau of Land (BOL), participates in an Agency sponsored training program up to twelve months in duration, receiving training and work assignments designed to develop knowledge, understanding and practical skills consonant with various professional life sciences career disciplines with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency; receives controlled assignments in a broad range of beginning level professional duties related to oversight and direction of the Nonhazardous Solid Waste Management (SWM), Landfill Capacity Annual Reports, and other routine reports related to non-hazardous waste; and in implementing the state Special Waste Hauling and Potentially Infectious Medical Waste Hauling Permit Programs. Receives training to gain knowledge in and assist with routine problems related to landfill operator certifications, hazardous and non-hazardous annual reporting, hauling permits, and manifests; routine technical review of fees remitted to the Illinois EPA (IEPA) by landfills and other regulated entities to ensure compliance with applicable state law; conducting routine technical and scientific evaluation of fee exemptions requested by regulated entities; and implementation of the State of Illinois' administration of waste manifest programs as required by state and federal law. Attends, observes, and assists in communications with trade and government associations; and conference calls to share information, identify partnership opportunities, and plans for outreach activities. Travels in performance of duties.
See full announcement and apply here.