Position Description and Application
PLUMAS NATIONAL FOREST is hiring seasonal technicians for the 2023 Field Season!
Biological Science Technician (Wildlife) – Help protect and conserve wildlife by assessing animal populations, restoring and monitoring habitat, and evaluating projects for their effect on native species. Survey for and work with species such as California Spotted Owl, Northern Goshawk, Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog, California Red-legged Frog, Foothill Yellow-legged Frog, Peregrine Falcon, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Forest Carnivores, and more.
Positions will be filled at the following duty locations: Quincy, CA; Blairsden, CA; and Oroville, CA.
Barrack housing may be available at certain duty locations.
- Position Title: Biological Science Technician (Wildlife)
- Job Type: Temporary
- Job Duration: 6-12 Months
How to Apply:
Announcements will be open to accept applications on USAJOBS.gov from Sept 29 through October 6.
Find on USAJOBS.gov by searching Announcement Number:
GS-0404-04 ($15.47-$20.11/hour): 23-TEMP3-R5-0023-4DT-MG
GS-0404-05 ($17.31-$22.50/hour): 23-TEMP3-R5-0021-5DT-ME
GS-0404-07 ($21.44-$27.87/hour): 23-TEMP3-R5-0048-7DT-MG
Selection for these positions will occur in late December 2022 to early January 2023.
Work will start in late April to May 2023 and could last into November 2023.