Upcoming Hiring Process:
We will begin accepting applications for the 2026 class of conservation wardens starting April 10, 2025. DNR conservation wardens are credentialed law enforcement officers stationed statewide, serving rural and urban communities. Wardens enforce laws that protect fish and wildlife, the environment, state parks and forests and outdoor recreation enthusiasts. Wardens also serve as ambassadors and educators, teaching the public about natural resources, outdoor safety and environmental conservation. The department plans to hire approximately ten full-time wardens for the upcoming class who will begin training in January 2026, or April 2026, depending on prior experience.
Learn More:
We will be hosting a virtual webinar on April 22, 2025 from 5 – 6 p.m. to discuss the hiring process, training program and more! Conservation wardens around the state will also be holding open “office hours” sessions for prospective applicants. Webinar registration and “office hours” information can be found on our recruitment website.