Learn about careers working as an educator at a museum, conservancy or nature preserve (March 10)
Does your future career involve working as an educator at a museum, conservancy or nature preserve? Learn about this type of work through the Spurlock Museum of World Cultures LAS Externship on Friday, March 10th, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM. Students can register on Handshake: https://illinois.joinhandshake.com/stu/events/1249314.
Participants will get an insider perspective on what it's like to work at a non-profit. The event includes a tour of the museum, a panel discussion with museum professionals from around Champaign County, and informational interviews with Spurlock staff for a deeper dive into specific job functions. Participants will learn about the range of available roles, potential career paths, and the big issues shaping museum work right now.