Individuals interested in these positions are encouraged to create an applicant profile and build their resume in USAJOBS as soon as practical in advance of the opening date and open period.
Phase 1 January 6 - 12, 2016: Includes all fire fighter and fire management positions
Phase 2 February 3 – 9, 2016: Engineering and surveying technicians, forestry technicians, hydrologic technicians, biological science technicians, archaeological technicians, equipment operators, motor vehicle operators, laborers, and maintenance workers, recreation, wilderness, trails technicians, and animal packer positions
Phase 3 March 2 – 8, 2016: Visitor information/guides, office services, Youth Conservation Corps aids/leaders, and other new 1039 hour positions not filled in Phases 1 and 2.
You can see the pre-announcements for these positions as they are being uploaded into our outreach website.
See our “Tips – How to Get a Forest Service Job” and “FAQ”. And, you are welcome to view our webinar on “How To Get A Forest Service Job”.