WCEE OUTREACH PROGRAM MANAGER: A Permanent, Full-time Position. Job #16- 24AS95. Pay: Commensurate based on experience. Dates: Start: March 1, 2016 or shortly thereafter.
Location: University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
Qual: The Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education is hiring an Outreach Program Manager. This is a full time, 12-month position. The position will provide WCEE program coordination and supervision of education and outreach program staff. Experience in environmental, sustainability, forestry, or energy education, supervising multiple personnel, budget management and working with stakeholders is expected. UWSP is an equal opportunity employer. For application information and more details on the position please visit: http://www.uwsp.edu/hr/jobs/Pages/default.aspx.
Appl: Send Cover Letter, Resume and 3 references.
Contact: Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education, 800 Reserve St. Stevens Point WI 54481. Ph: 715-346-4163. Website: http://www.uwsp.edu/hr/jobs/Pages/default.aspx.
Filing Date: 1/29/2016.