COMMUNICATION COORDINATOR: A Permanent, Full-time Position. Pay: $33000/yr.
Dates: Start: ASAP.
Location: Dakota Resource Council, Bismarck, North Dakota.
Qual: Commitment to the mission and goals of the organization, and the community organizing approach to social change • Excellent communication and people skills; ability to write well • Experience in communications, particularly with media or advocacy group • Knowledge of how the media system works in North Dakota; relationships with some media personnel is a plus • Skills and knowledge in websites, social media, filming, producing videos and print information pieces. • Familiarity with the public policy process • Leadership and organizational development capabilities • Comfortable with farmers, ranchers, rural people, and people from a diversity of cultures and backgrounds; and knowledgeable about one or more of these issues: family agriculture, oil and gas development, and/or clean energy. • High level of maturity. • Experience in issue campaigns, political campaigns, community organizing activities and/or fundraising ability is a plus. • Capacity to work independently as a salaried employee on a flexible schedule. • Willingness to travel in-state as necessary and out-of-state on a limited basis, using a DRC vehicle when possible, but able to use his or her own vehicle (with mileage compensation).
Duties: Under the supervision of the Executive Director, the Communications Coordinator is responsible for: 1. Managing DRC communications. 2. Developing and maintaining media relations, maintaining media list. 3. Drafting and sending news releases, handling media requests and connecting media with DRC member spokespeople, coordinating news conferences. 4. Developing DRC spokespeople with assistance of organizers, providing media preparation assistance as needed to members for interviews, letters to the editor, talk radio and other situations, and assisting with media and spokesperson training workshops for members. 5. Enhancing and up-dating website, Facebook, and social media to engage wider audience. 6. Directing or filming, producing videos, fact sheets, and engaging documentation. 7. Producing the Weekly Report and coordinating and writing the quarterly Newsletter. 8. Working with organizers and the Executive Director to write and send email action alerts. 9. Handling communications technology for DRC, the annual meeting and other events and communications efforts. 10. Handling advertising and promotion for issue campaigns. 11. Working with organizers and Executive Director on rapid response communications. 12. Performing the administrative tasks necessary to accomplish his or her job.
Appl: Send a cover letter, a resume, writing sample, and 3 references to Don Morrison, Dakota.
Contact: Don Morrison, Dakota Resource Council, 1200 Missouri Ave., Ste 201, Bismarck, ND 58504,
Ph: 701-224-8587, Email:, Website:
Filing Date: Open.