Pre-Law Advising Services is pleased to offer the several upcoming programs. As always, our events can be found on our online calendar.
Case Western Reserve Presents: Law’s Violence: Justifying and Unjustifying Domestic and International Uses of Force. Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 5:00 in Lincoln Hall 1065. Interested in international law? Join us as Professor Avidan Cover gives this talk concerning the need to limit government abuse of power—as applied to both the domestic (police) realm and in the international realm (military and covert operations). Following the talk, questions about applying to and attending law school will be answered. Pizza will be provided!
Negotiating Law School Scholarships. Wednesday, Feb. 24 at 5:00 in 514 Illini Union Bookstore Building. Negotiating law school scholarships has become quite common in the last few years. While many students have successfully bargained for additional scholarship dollars, the process of negotiating can be risky and stressful. Join us as two Deans of Admission—Dean Rebecca Ray from the University of Illinois College of Law and Dean Ann Perry from University of Chicago Law School--share their insight into negotiating financial aid packages with law schools. Under what circumstances should students negotiate? How can they successfully engage with law schools? Why might a law school deny a request to renegotiate? This is indispensable advice, including tips for success that could save pre-law students thousands of dollars on a legal education. All pre-law students should attend. No registration necessary.
Practice Law School Admission Test. Friday, March 4, 9:00 am-12:30 pm. We are pleased to offer the opportunity to take a practice full length Law School Admission Test (LSAT) under actual testing conditions to help pre-law students prepare for test day. This LSAT will be proctored and given under test day conditions. It's a great opportunity for students who are prepping for the June exam to test under realistic conditions, and for students who have not yet begun prepping for future LSATs to get a baseline score for future reference. Please register here. Seating is limited and test information, including location, will be sent to each registrant. Special thanks to the Law School Admission Council for granting a license to utilize LSAT exam materials.