Forest Aquatics Specialist GS-7/9 in Kalispell, Montana
Natural Resource Specialist (Recreation) GS-9 in Phillipsburg, Montana
Routes Geospatial Data Manager/GIS Specialist GS-9 in Helena or Great Falls, Montana
Operations Supervisory Airplane Pilot GS-13 in Missoula, Montana
Fleet Equipment Specialist GS-9/11 in Butte or Dillon, Montana
Rangeland Management Specialist GS-5/7/9 in Whitehall, Montana
Cook GS-6 in Anaconda, Montana
Temporary Positions: The Northern Region of the Forest Service is advertising the last of our temporary positions for the upcoming field season (spring/summer/fall 2016) for positions throughout North Idaho, Montana, and parts of the Dakotas. The dates for this final advertisement period are March 2 – 8th. Individuals interested in these positions will need to apply through USAJOBS.
GS-0326-02 Office Automation Clerk - 16-TEMP-R1-0326-2OFFI-DT
GS-0462-02 Forestry Aid – Fire 16-TEMP-R1-462-2FAIDG-DT
GS-0817-02 Survey Aid 16-TEMP-R1-0817-2SVYA-DT
GS-0303-03 Customer Service Representative 16-TEMP-R1-0303-3CSR-DT
GS-0326-03 Office Automation Clerk 16-TEMP-R1-0326-3OFFI-DT
GS-0462-03 Forestry Aid – Fire 16-TEMP-R1-0462-3AIDF-DT
GS-0025-04 Park Ranger 16-TEMP-R1-0025-4PARK-DT
GS-0303-04 Customer Service Representative 16-TEMP-R1-0303-4CUST-DT
GS-0303-04 Administrative Support Assistant 16-TEMP-R1-0303-4ADMIN-DT
GS-0304-04 Information Receptionist 16-TEMP-R1-0304-4INFO-DT
GS-0326-04 Office Automation Clerk 16-TEMP-R1-0326-4OFFI-DT
GS-0326-04 Office Automation Clerk 16-TEMP-R1-0326-4OACOL-DT
GS-0404-04 Bio Science Tech (Insects and Disease) 16-TEMP-R1-0404-4BSTID-DT
GS-1001-04 Visitor Information Assistant 16-TEMP-R1-1001-4VIA-DT
GS-1316-04 Hydrological Technician 16-TEMP-R1-1316-4HYDRT-DT
GS-0186-05 Social Services Assistant 16-TEMP-R1-0186-5SSAT-DT
GS-0326-05 Office Automation Assistant 16-TEMP-R1-0326-5OFFC-DT
GS-0404-05 Bio Science Tech (Insects and Disease) 16-TEMP-R1-0404-5BSID-DT
GS-1001-05 Visitor Information Assistant 16-TEMP-R1-1001-5VIS-DT
GS-1316-05 Hydrological Technician 16-TEMP-R1-1316-5HDRO-DT
GS-0404-06 Biological Science Tech (Fisheries) 16-TEMP-R1-0404-6FISHR-DT
GS-0404-06 Biological Science Tech (Plants) 16-TEMP-R1-0404-6BSTPL-DT
GS-0404-07 Biological Science Technician 16-TEMP-R1-0404-7BIOWL-DT