Description: Come study songbird behavioral ecology in the shrublands of northern Illinois as part of a Ph.D research project from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am looking for one (1) motivated, organized and detail-oriented field technicians with a strong work ethic to help assist with a playback experiment investigating social information use for habitat selection by Yellow Warblers. Field technicians will assist with nest-searching, banding, spot-mapping and making behavioral observations of Yellow Warblers. Field technicians will also help with basic maintenance of playback equipment.
Timeframe: Position begins ~1 May 2015 and run through ~15 July 2015, but position dates are negotiable. Salary is $11.50/hour on a 40-hour work week. Transportation to and from field sites is provided.
Qualifications: Applicants with previous experience in listed responsibilities (particularly banding and nest-searching) will be given high priority, but individuals who learn quickly and have a passion for avian ecology are encouraged to apply. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license, be able to work independently, endure trying field conditions (e.g., heat, biting insects), and be flexible with their work schedule.
To Apply: Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please send applications via e-mail (preferred, EM:, or regular mail with a short cover letter stating your interest in the job and prior experience, a resume, and the names and contact information (phone numbers and e-mail addresses) of three references. Address: JANICE KELLY, UIUC – Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Turner Hall W-512A, 1102 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801. Please e-mail questions to Janice Kelly.