blog posts Sustainable Student Farm Summer Internship, UIUC Crop Sciences (Urbana, IL) Feb 1, 2023 11:15 am by Miguel OrtizInternships Share on Facebook Tweet Email Position Description & Application The interns will spend their mornings working on the farm, planting, weeding, trellising, irrigating, maintaining, harvesting and washing the crops growing at the SSF. The afternoons will be spent doing activities tied to the internship portion of the summer experience. This will include lectures/discussions on different topics including farm design, different aspects of vegetable production, soil and farm ecosystem health and social issues around food. Farm tours and volunteering at other farms and community gardens Rotating through different managerial roles on the farm; managing our farm stand, our online sales, CSA, our wholesale and donation coordination, record keeping and outreach Developing a miniature farm plan Implementing vegetable variety trials 2023 Internship is officially open for applications. If you do want to apply, email a copy of your resume and a cover letter describing why you want to be in the program . Contact us at if you are interested in joining the team! Share on Facebook Tweet Email