United States - Arlington, VA
Biodiversity loss. Climate change. Sustainable development. Challenges for which the world needs solutions. Fast.
International agreements like the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Paris Climate Agreement, and the Sustainable Development Goals represent the global community’s ambitions for rising to meet these challenges, but governments, companies, and international organizations need better information to guide their decisions.
To meet this need, Conservation International and partners are mapping the natural capital around the world that is most critical for providing the ecosystem services that support human well-being. By revealing hidden opportunities for conservation, restoration, and improved management, this project will enable public and private sector actors to meet their diverse objectives in ways that better support both humanity and the planet.
The successful applicant will support this effort by using their technical and subject matter expertise to advance the research and identify/support strategic engagement with key stakeholders.
This is a 12 week summer internship.
For More Information and how to Apply: