The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign boasts over five-hundred thousand living alumni around the world. Over the last 150 years, this diverse population has created meaningful, collaborative partnerships across borders and has helped establish one of the many legacies the university is known for—global engagement.
Vision 2030 is a new global strategy aimed at maintaining this legacy and taking it several steps further through strategic actions over the next seven years.
This global vision that not only answers a call to action to utilize resources to find solutions to global challenges and trends, but also creates the foundation the university needs to be a pre-eminent public research university with a global impact for the next 150 years.
To be specific, Vision 2030 focuses on dedicating significant efforts and resources on the African continent, Latin America, and parts of Asia that are underrepresented in the university’s global profile.
Vision 2030 is comprised of five key strategies—education for global citizenship; engagement for impact in the Global South; leadership for innovative partnership and development; education for inclusive excellence; and global excellence for the State of Illinois—that support the university in realizing its global vision.
Dr. Reitumetse Obakeng Mabokela, Vice Provost for International Affairs and Global Strategies, said Vision 2030 will support the university community in taking action together to expand and create comprehensive global learning, teaching, research and engagement opportunities for our students, faculty and staff to continue leading in areas that drive innovation and global impact.
Explore the Vision 2030 website to learn more about this ambitious initiative.