The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites proposals for the AY 2017-2018 BRIDGE seed fund in collaboration with the University of Birmingham.
In March 2014, the University of Birmingham and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign formed the BiRmingham-lllinois Partnership for Discovery, EnGagement and Education (BRIDGE) creating a framework for continued collaboration and investment to grow the strategic partnership between the two institutions.
The BRIDGE partnership recognizes the breadth and depth of faculty connections that have flourished over the last four years. Engagement currently spans over 70 established faculty-to-faculty links in key academic disciplines.
The BRIDGE framework aims to deepen these existing collaborations and develop wider faculty networks to: build cognate research areas; expand educational exchange opportunities; and strengthen strategic aspirations for institutional engagement.
To this end, our two institutions have established a joint BRIDGE Project Seed Fund, to which tenured or tenure track faculty members at each institution are encouraged to apply. There are no restrictions on the forms of activity undertaken with BRIDGE funding, providing they meet the criteria outlined in the guidelines. The fund is available to support research visits, workshops and exchanges with the partner institution for the purpose of developing the strategic partnership. The fund may also support meetings in third party locations where there is potential to develop and/or showcase collaboration.
Detailed guidelines and the application form may be found below. The application deadline is Friday, March 16, 2018.
Additional information about BRIDGE, the seed fund, and more may be found on the BRIDGE website.