Professor Colleen Murphy has been appointed a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies Research Program. ESDiT is a decade-spanning international research programme to achieve break-through research at the intersection of ethics, philosophy and technology / engineering and to position its consortium at the top of its field internationally. It is carried by seven academic institutions in The Netherlands, with over sixty participating researchers, and a combined budget of € 27 million. The programme is closely affiliated with the 4TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology (4TU.Ethics) and the Ethics Institute of Utrecht University. ESDiT is funded by the Ministry for Education, Culture and Science and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) in The Netherlands, and by matching funds from the participating institutions. It runs from January 2020 to December 2029. Murphy was invited to become a member due to her expertise in risk ethics, transitional justice, and engineering ethics.